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Multi proyectos 0069


dcuartielles – January 7th, 2011
Arduino The Documentary is finally out. We have been waiting for long, but now you can see it at Vimeo (ENES) and download it from Archive.org (ENES). The file is licensed under CC-SA 3.0 and can be redistributed. The makers are working in making a batch of DVDs that will include the full interviews as well as footage of the different locations where the documentary was made (ITP,ParsonsAdafruitRockwellgroup, and Makerbot New York; Medialab Prado and IES Miguel Hernandez, Madrid; Laboral Centro de Arte, Gijon). Here the documentary in English:
And here in Spanish (there are subtitles in other languages at Archive.org):
The music is from People Like Us and Ergo Phizmiz, the theme chosen is Ghosts Before Breakfast, feel free to check it out.
Just anticipating any questions about this: no, Arduino has not supported the production of this documentary beyond giving access to our 2010 NYC meeting, donating some footage of the production plan in Ivrea, Italy, and being dead honest about what we think the future of embedded computing will be. Whatever message the documentary transmits is part of the work of its makers. We are just grateful they think the same way we do and that the result turned out this way. We are also thankful to everyone that showed up in the video saying how cool our project is, and to all of you that are making it possible.
All the work was made by Rodrigo (twitt him at @rodhk) and Raul (idea, film, postproduction), Gustavo (@gus_teky, who promoted this in the first place), and the people at Laboral Centro de Arte (financing, and equipment) in Gijon, Spain.
PS. this was the best xmas present I could get for 2010, thanks guys!
Update 2011-01-08:
  • added links for the downloads at Archive.org,
  • there were 26.000 views in the first 24h of the documentary being online,
  • translators needed visit: http://arduinothedocumentary.org/wiki and contribute,
  • added links to Rockwellgroup, one of the locations seen in the video
  • added a credit link to Gustavo Valera


Davide Gomba – January 6th, 2011
[Paul]  took the TVout library, the Wiichuck library and wrote it’s own 3D library. In this way he’s got a nunchuck controlled 3D shape on TV
Movement in the nunchuck is detected by the arduino, then the cube is redrawn according to new angle of the controller. 3d wireframe library headerand source. Code to tie everything together


dcuartielles – January 5th, 2011
I am today trying to write a paper for a forthcoming conference thinking about how to make an original contribution to the academic view on prototyping for wearable technology together with my lab team at Malmo University. While looking for references Tony had a nice surprise: he found his FREE ebook for SALE at a Chinese webshop. We called Xun, the only person in our lab that speaks Chinese currently, to find out someone is trying to sell the Open Software FREE pdf for money. You cannot imagine how flattering it actually is finding out your work being given some value this way. Best part? They haven’t even made the effort to translate it … so why paying for it, just go tosoftwear.cc and get it free of charge.

The Open Softwear Book for sale
I took this screenshot of the book just for you to see. It will probably disappear soon, not that we will try to stop them, but probably the fact they are selling a bunch of O’Reilly titles without permission might be forcing them down somehow (just check the second picture). We have seen a lot of ripoffs of the boards, but at least there someone had to go into a factory and manufacture something, here someone took a free book and tried to sell it for money. This is like picking up the apples from a tree in the public park and selling them two blocks further down the avenue.

some pdfs to Arduino related books
You know what Xun said? I don’t know why people are trying to sell these books this way … you can find all those books at some other pages anyway. I think Xun has been in Sweden for too long ;-) the whole piracy movement might have influenced him a bit.


Davide Gomba – January 5th, 2011
If you’re looking to make your own shield for the Arduino platform, you’ll definitely need to know where all the pins and holes are located on the Arduino. After doing a quick search, I was unable to find an accurate technical drawing of the new Arduino UNO and Arduino Mega 2560.
Using the PCB design files available at the Arduino hardware website, I created a detailed technical drawing of both the Uno and Mega 2560. The drawings are available in vector-based SVG format, but low-resolution PNG files are shown below (click for larger versions). All drawings are released into the public domain, but let us know if you find any mistakes or have any suggestions or updates.
Very Good Job guys!
via [MAKE] source [WayneAndLayne]


Davide Gomba – January 4th, 2011
Yet another arduino-based camera trigger, posted from [tObY!].
Some time ago I bought a RICOH GR III camera. Since I didn’t want to pay the amount for the CA-1 remote, I did a little research how this thing works. Soon I came up with Muttyan’s home page. This gives a detailed description of the CA-1′s internals and how it works. Good job, there you’ll find everything you need!
Basically a button half press, a full press and a release are signaled with three different patterns to the camera via its USB connection. No “real” USB protocol is used, just pulsing the USB +5V supply line. Emulating these pulses is an easy job with an Arduino board, so I did a quick proof of concept.
via [infar.be], electronics know-how of RICOH cameras [Mattyan]


dcuartielles – December 30th, 2010
You heard about the Arduino documentary, right? … this is the poster
Arduino the Documentary - Poster
(c) 2010 R. Calvo, R. Alejos, the Arduino the Documentary - Poster
For more nice illustrations, take a look at: http://krismencia.com/ the blog to the poster’s author.


Davide Gomba – December 29th, 2010
[Eli Skipp] made a glove that senses high-fives using a force sensor and makes an explosion sound. High-five has never been so cool!
This project is finished and critiqued via the Electronics as an Art Material class in SAIC. Many thanks to Mitchell F. Chan and Ed Bennett, without whom I would be sitting in dejected failure. Ed’s help gave me a working circuit and a working wave shield, Mitchell wrote the majority of the codeand altered the code from Lady Ada’s AF-Wave library. Project conceived in part by Jordan Bunker.


Davide Gomba – December 26th, 2010
[scolton] made a nice self-balaced vehicle based on two DeWalt cordless drills and an Arduino Nano:
Segstick is a self-balancing…well, literally some kind of broomstick I found in the MITERS workshop. It is powered direct by two DeWalt cordless drills chucked to two 6″ wheels. The controller is an Arduino. Additional supporting devices include an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) from Sparkfun and two motor drivers from Pololu .
see the compete how-to on [Instructables]


Davide Gomba – December 21st, 2010
10 Innovatori - Il Sole 24 Ore
Il Sole 24 Ore, the Italian economics newspaper, corresponding to the Uk’s “Financial Times”, featured Massimo in its list of the most innovative person of the decade.
Il Sole24ore.com pubblica la lista dei dieci innovatori del decennio – stilata con la redazione di Nòva24 – dando un volto alle idee che più hanno cambiato dieci anni di ricerca, internet e tecnologia. Una classifica aperta ai lettori, che hanno la possibilità di dire la loro partecipando al sondaggio e lasciando i commenti.
people are asked to vote for the most innovatives among this list  (alphabetical order):
Massimo Banzi, Arduino. Luca Dello Iacovo 
Sergey Brin, Google. Antonio C. Larizza 
Arianna Huffington, Huffington Post. Serena Danna 
Steve Jobs, Apple. Luca De Biase 
John Lasseter, Pixar. Luca Tremolada 
Bruno Murari, inventore dei Mems. Giuseppe Caravita 
Ory Okolloh, Ushahidi. Alessia Maccaferri 
Craig Venter, Genoma. Francesca Cerati 
Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia. Giuseppe Caravita 
Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook. Luca Salvioli
you can vote here, and add you comments here.
via [IlSole24Ore] and [Nòva]


Davide Gomba – December 17th, 2010
Ideo worked on the changing relationship we have towards music, adding a new, dynamic yet vintage approach:
The concept behind the C60 Redux is this: We’ve gone from handling vinyl, tapes and CD’s to clicking on MP3′s, losing tactility in the process and making a casualty of the mix tape. Is it possible to bring that back in a digital way? Bone, Johnson, and a group of IDEO designers endeavored to do so by creating a music player built with RFID readers and some Arduino Mini Pros, all housed in a record player case

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