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Hola que tal lectores de esta pagina tan maravillosa que es arduino Tec ...Los invito a que amplíen mas sus conocimientos en Arduino y Raspberry Pi Uniéndose a mi grupo Arduino Tec

Multi proyectos 0068


Davide Gomba – January 25th, 2011
Some time ago [Chris] was daydreaming in class about who knows what [...]
Then I thought of the game Guitar Hero, which uses five frets, and I had my idea! Simply interface a Guitar Hero controller to a microcontroller that would power some relays which would in turn fire off solenoid valves on five individual fire poofers! Now this could be cool; a large fire “sculpture” that is playable by anybody. Read on to see how I turned this idea into reality in a week’s time!
He managed to interface GuitarHero to arduino reading this article from Bill Porter’s website. The idea of controlling fire was inspired by this project onMikey Sklar’s website. 
via [FireHero]


dcuartielles – January 25th, 2011
Cristian and I (D. Cuartielles) have been working around the clock with the forum migration for the last week. Before we made a lot of  research and migration tests, and believe me when I say a lot I really mean A LOT.
However, no matter how many times you try things out, when the moment of truth comes, Murphy’s Law will make things much more complicated than you thought in the first place. After an 18 hours coding shift and a 3 hours sleep, I came back to my office to go on with the forum migration, and took a chance to read through the overwhelming response to our previous post on the topic. There are lots of comments expressing interest in the choices we have made when it comes to the software, the user status, etc. Let me throw some light on those issues:
  • the forum of choice is SMF, the reason for this is that we wanted to have an open source piece of software we could accommodate to our needs, that we could easily change, database driven, etc
  • the decision of not moving the messages has to do with the fact that there is a complete different way of arranging the contents in the new forum, the old forum will have them there, we have disabled registering to it, and we have disabled posting new topics, however it is still possible answering to open topics by the authors themselves in some threads
  • we have anyway managed to migrate all the topics, user status, amounts of messages, personal messages, etc. We will not roll out all the changes in the new forum, because we found some problems due to the format information was stored in the old forum and the way it is stored in the new one (for those interested it is an ISO vs UTF matter)
  • it is taking over 24 hours to port the forum, the reason for this is that we discovered during our last minute tests that the conversion scripts we had designed were not acting as expected mostly because of the above mentioned difference in encoding formats. We will open today, but we might not bring all the data in at once, just to make sure things act as they should
  • the playground will not be migrated, nor erased, this is a misunderstanding. Everything in the playground will be kept in there and all the users that are registered in the system will have access to edit the contents freely, just like until now. The difference is that you will have one single username and one single password to access both the forum and the playground. It is our aim to improve the service given by that wiki by adding modules that will allow better search, embedding content, etc

Arduino Forum 2011 - Preview
Arduino Forum 2011 - Preview
I saw Cristian showing up online from Italy it is time to continue the work until we are done. Thanks for your patience, the forum will open asap.


Davide Gomba – January 20th, 2011
Massimo is going to talk about the Arduino Project at CIID, next Tuesday. Come and see the lecture and have a sneak preview of the new CIID building on Toldbodgade.
Any updates to this lecture will be made here


Massimo Banzi – January 20th, 2011
A few days ago we announced the release of the new Arduino Uno SMD that was made quite in a rush to compensate the global shortage of through hole parts that is affecting many manufacturers, ATMEL included.
We have received reports from a handful of users that their boards had a strange issue where the processor would not start the last sketch that had been uploaded. This was particularly annoying as it didn’t show up in our test done at the factory and it seems to affect only some of the Uno SMD boards.
After a few tests we determined that this happens when the board is unplugged and plugged back in triggering a bug in the new bootloader.
The new version of the bootloader is available here
If your board has a serial number between 317000 and 317999 they might be affected by this bug, please return your board to the distributor and you’ll get a new one for free, that’s the Arduino policy that every official distributor is bound to.
In case you know what an ISP programmer is, you can fix your board in 5 minutes by reprogramming the bootloader.
In the next few days we’ll post more tutorials for the ones who would rather fix the board themselves.


Davide Gomba – January 18th, 2011
Amazing Accordion sending MIDI under 100$ (instead of 6,699.00$), as [Dmitry Yegorenkov] shares on Arduino Forum and published on GitHub.
I like to play accordion & have a dog. People say dogs are singing withsqueezeboxes and some people find it funny. Not for me. I know that my pet hears note harmonics much better then me & suffers from high pitches very much. I could not really practice at home just because of humanennes. That sucks. I like to play accordion. Programmers see cycle here. Let’s get out.
It plays to headphones, produces MIDI output, etc. etc. It costs $6,699.00 on e-bay (buy now offer) on November 17, 2010. In the US I can buy Peugeot Partner for the same price. In Ukraine where i live both are 1/2 times more expensive. For that money i’ll get beautiful device to practice at home and no service centers available within 400Km radius. Weird.
Code and Schematics-ready on [Accordion Mega's Github]


dcuartielles – January 18th, 2011
Over the last few months, we’ve been working on a new Arduino Community Forum, and it’s about to open.  We’ve been listening to comments and requests you’ve made, and have incorporated several of them:
* The categories have been rearranged and simplified
* We’ve added the ability to post pictures and video from YouTube, Flickr, or Vimeo
* Added better email notifications
* Added a new profile page
* Added a new help page for newcomers
* Added notification pop-ups when login to the forum
* Made the style compliant with the Arduino Look’n'Feel

About Your New Profile

The new Community Forum will include both the discussion forum and the playground. You’ll be able to login to both with one user profile. As we add new features in the future, this profile will apply to them as well, to make your whole experience of the Arduino site easier. You’ll see your login status in the menu bar, and if you’re not a member yet, you can sign up from the menubar as well. Members will be able to post in the forums and edit the playground.  When we open the Arduino Store site in a few weeks, you’ll have the option to register your Arduino boards with your profile too. This optional feature will help us offer better support, by knowing which batch of boards yours comes from, and other manufacturing details.  We want to offer the best support we can for the tools we make.
The new forum and playground will still be open to discussion of Arduino derivatives and offshoots as it always has. We consider those a valuable part of the community.
Your privacy is important to us. The new profile database is more modern and secure than the old one, and the interface uses standard HTTPS transfers so your profiles will happen securely. Most fields will be optional, so you only enter data about yourself that’s it’s useful to you as part of the Arduino community.  We hope this new system will make it possible to manage the community discussion and to support Arduino products better for you.

The Transition

In order to make the transition work well, we’re going to freeze the old forum and start anew with the new one. The old forum will remain open and accessible and searchable as an archive, but its content has not been ported into the new forum. If you have posts or items that you feel should be ported to the new forum, you’re welcome to do so. Having watched the Processing team make a successful forum this way, we felt it was the most effective way to upgrade our own forum.
Here’s how the change will happen:
* On January 24th we will freeze the old forum at 9AM CET/ 3 AM EST, disabling login or posting. The same will happen for the Playground. Both sites will remain browsable, however.
*  We will migrate all the users to the new forum. This should take several hours. Once that’s done, we’ll open the new forum.
* The new forum should open by the end of the day CET on January 24th, assuming a quick and successful migration.
* You will be able to access the new forum with the same login and password you used for the old forum.
* We will keep a team working around the clock for 48 hours to make sure things are working and to fix any problems as they arise


Davide Gomba – January 15th, 2011
Can’t wait to read & see the imminent release of MAKE Volume 25, the Arduino issue. Besides this, Make announced an improvement of the Arduino section on its site:
Over the years, we’ve amassed tons of Arduino content here, offered dozens of Arduino projects in the magazine (and now on Make: Projects), and stocked plenty of Arduino awesomeness in the Maker Shed. But we’ve never had a convenient way for readers to access all of this via a single entry point. Now we do! We’ll be building this site out in the next few weeks and hope it will become an invaluable portal to all things Arduino. We’d love to hear from you about what you’d love to see on this Arduino page. Our thanks to element14 for helping us to get this project off the ground.
more on [Make/Arduino]


Davide Gomba – January 11th, 2011
The Blind Theater Project is a performance aimed to turn the body into the stage of a sensorial theater. Several sensor suits allow the spect/actors to feel the world around them in a new, unknown, way:
The play contributes to the critical understanding of the body’s importance in our visually dominated culture. It opens the theater to a blind and blinded audience.
[...] The bodysuit is a stand-alone application based on mini-pc’s in combination with custom built Arduino controller-board. It is an open-source project working with the development of haptic and tactile storytelling [...]


Davide Gomba – January 10th, 2011
The Open Hardware web community has made plenty of examples about power monitoring and consumption knowledge: from ladyada’s tweet-a-watt to Jarv’s Home power Monitoring. [Greg] shares code & circuits on his own power monitoring system based on Wifi Communication.
First things first – this project is a blatant and obvious rip-off of John Jarvis’ power monitoring project! A few minor details have changed but I have to give him credit for a great project idea. I was intrigued by John’s power meter and it gave me an excuse to buy and try an Arduino – a handy and fun little embedded project platform! John’s power meter uses the ethernet shield and some CGI scripts, etc., to talk with his server – I went with AsyncLabs WiShieldto put my power meter onto the network – my backend to get the data to the server is also a bit different (but of course).
The basic idea of the project is that an Arduino Duemilanove is continuously reading the analog pins that a couple TED Current Tranducers are connected to (one per phase). The Arduino does a little smoothing/averaging of the data and waits for an IP connection to send that data out on. Another machine has a Win32 service running on it and every minute it queries the power meter for its current data; the data that is received is stuffed into a MySQL data base. When a web request comes in to view the data a few pre-canned charts are generated real time and returned to the web user’s browser.
via [SlackLab]


Massimo Banzi – January 8th, 2011
(picture by sparkfun.com)
We’re releasing a new version of the Arduino Uno today, the Uno SMD.  This board is just like the current generation of Unos, but it features a surface-mounted version of the Atmega328 processor.   The design of this board was prompted by a shortage of the Atmega328 in the through-hole DIP format that we normally use.

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Hola que tal lectores de esta pagina tan maravillosa que es arduino Tec ...Los invito a que amplíen mas sus conocimientos en Arduino y Raspberry Pi Uniéndose a La mi grupo Arduino Tec

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