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Hola que tal lectores de esta pagina tan maravillosa que es arduino Tec ...Los invito a que amplíen mas sus conocimientos en Arduino y Raspberry Pi Uniéndose a mi grupo Arduino Tec

Multi proyectos 0078


Davide Gomba – September 15th, 2010
Here one of the more realistic car interfaces I’ve ever seen. But let’s start from what [hrsim] posted some time ago:
Browsing around the www, I came across this simple, easy to use development board, which seemed just right for my project. As I’ve said in an earlier post, I want to reduce my efforts as much as possible, so this Arduino MEGA board was just what I was looking for, as it is built around a powerful enough microcontroller, the ATMega1280, it exposes all I/O pins (analog, digital, PWM etc), and has a simple, open-source programming language, as well as a pretty bare IDE which also allows you to upload the software via USB.
The blog is an amazing worklog of a big physical game interface. Some tips about the programming side:
Both the Arduino and the PC side software are now updated to process the speed and RPM signals coming from Live For Speed.
What’s interesting, is that the Arduino (ATMega1280) being single-theaded, I had to write all the code in one function. So, there is only one thread which reads data from the serial port, and as soon as a complete package is received, it updates the control lights and speed / RPM signals.
The speedometer and rev counter are fed with clock signals, whose frequencies vary according to the speed / RPM to be displayed on the dial (the actual speed and RPM sensors on the real car read their values from the rotating wheels/engine crankshaft, thus sending clock-like signals to the instrument cluster). These signals are generated by means of two dedicated timers, also implemented in the same single thread.
some more videos.
via [microcontroller] source [hrsim]


Davide Gomba – September 14th, 2010

Nice (code-ready) project using Xbees. Lucas and his friend Ian Gallina used this tutorial for settting up the two Xbees to talk as “coordinator” and “router”. Then he just made the Arduino send the data he was receiving from sensor to his computer via radio.

Un bel tutorial (con codici) su come far mandare i dati ricevuti dai sensori da un Arduino al PC, usando un comune zoccoletto per attaccare l’Xbee al PC via Seriale. Lucas e il suo amico Ian Gallina hanno usato questo tutorial per far diventare le due Xbee “coordinator” e “router”. Pochissimi i progetti che usano Xbee online.
Grazie Lucas


Davide Gomba – September 14th, 2010
LEGO is probably one of the best protyping tool ever made. The step to make it becoming a nice host for our electronic projects is quite straightforward. Nevertheless I haven’t seen so many projects working as deeper as [hexecute] did. His blog is a wonderful worklog of the experience. He took the effort to translate his posts in english. In his lates post he drives his Super-LEGO-Car with a Nunchuk. Amazing.
more after the break
Un magnifico progetto postato da [Hexecute] sull’utilizzo di prodotti LEGO per ospitare un progetto basato su Arduino, inventando così il gioco più flessibile, divertente e educativo di sempre. I post sul suo Blog sono in Francese ed Inglese, e spaziano dal momento in cui lui ha reperito i materiali fino all’utilizzo di un Nunchuck come controller senza fili.
via [HackADay] source [hexecute]


Davide Gomba – September 14th, 2010

Chapter Three of Awesome “Sylvia’s Super-Awesome Maker Show”. Very nice video made from kid to kid.
Time to make kids play with this new tools (more to hear about this soon;).
meanwhile you may check  HowToons aswell, beside give a look to Sylvia’s Youtube channel

Sylvia e il suo papà Maker, TechNinja, hanno realizzato diversi how-to rivolti ai bambini. Questo parla di Arduino ed é semplicemente meraviglioso (come da titolo…). Sylvia’s Youtube channel.
via [gadgetLab]


Davide Gomba – September 14th, 2010
If you ever seen this sequence and always missed THAT something, then you are a true nerd AND now you can have those shoes, by supporting this project.
Every fan of Back to the Future remembers the shoes that Marty Mcfly donned in 2015 that autolaced on to his foot and his exclaimation: “Power Laces-alright!”
As part of an Art project for a contest, I created a version from spare parts which I demoed in a short video clip. Despite it’s laughable looks and simplistic function, it went on to get over 1 Million views and the story was picked up by various outlets around the World.
Unfortunately, I don’t have the resources to create it on my own, which is while I am turning to you guys!
If you contribute just $50 towards the project, besides the Power Laces shwag, you’ll also be the first group notified when the product is ready to ship and have the opportunity to purchase a pair before it goes on sale to the general public. You will also receive a coupon code for a percentage off, the exact amount to be determined after the retail price gets finalized.
mmm. Why NIKE isn’t interested in supporting the first-ever bottom-up produced shoes? There may be a patent problem, but the idea of realizing those shoes with our favourite microcontroller would have never been taken seriously by a major.
But I may be wrong.
Support! (and open source it!)


Davide Gomba – September 13th, 2010

In this video [sketchsk3tch] youtube user plays Super Mario on a HTC EVO, using a NES controller.
This is a project I did using an Arduino and a Bluesmirf bluetooth module so I could control my NES emulator on my EVO with an NES controller.
more info after the break


Davide Gomba – September 13th, 2010

Youtube user [npaltmp] hacked up a alphanumeric LCD from a defective answering machine, an ear clip pulse sensor from a stationary exercise bike and interfaced it with an Arduino “using a simple circuit which normalizes the photo-transistor’s output voltage and amplifies fluctuations”.
The Arduino senses rises and falls in voltage on one of its analog inputs and counts them as heartbeats. Motion is sensed with a crudely built vibrations sensor attached to my bed. It consists of a coiled thin wire pendulum which makes intermittent contact with a loop shaped electrode during vibrations. It is wired to the Arduino just like a button. Originally I had all heart beat events reported to a running desktop computer for logging, but I disliked this because it seemed silly to keeps a ~200 watt machine powered up for 8+ hours to collect only kilobytes of data. I reduced sampling rates, and made some other compromises in data collection, and now the sleep monitor stores data in the ATmega328′s 2kb of ram. When I turn on my computer in the morning, I can download the data with a C# application and have it stored to a comma separated value format file. CSV files load easily into Excel for analysis.
No code or Schematic is provided (some schematic can be found googling though)
Via [nopaltmp] on youtube


dcuartielles – September 12th, 2010

#1: If you follow our twitter feed you will have noticed that we are now posting automagically the title of our blog posts there. In this way you will get to know when there was a new post to the blog without needing to subscribe to our rss feed or similar. If you follow @arduinoteam on twitter you will get our news a little easier.
#2: On the other hand, as mentioned at a previous post, we have invited Davide Gomba to be our first non-team editor and, as a welcome present, we imported all his Arduino related posts as part of our blog. You will see now a lot more posts in the archive. We want to be a good place where to document your projects and this is our first step towards that.
#3: We just activated clean URLs to make our posts more visible. This means that, eventually, our blog will be a little harder to find on search engines and that we are going to be breaking the links from pages that used our previous naming methods. We had to make this change at some point and now felt like the right time to move towards a more comprehensible way to read our posts.
PS. yes, I (dcuartielles) made a mistake today and accidentally posted to twitter for each one of the posts we imported from the other blog. Dudes, I am so so sorry, I cleaned up the mess, but of course if you are hardwired to twitter via some sort of notification-activated app on your phone, I accidentally bombed you … TWICE!! Won’t happen again.

#1: Si es que sigues nuestras notificaciones en twitter habrás notado que ahora posteamos un mensaje cada vez que alguien escribe un artículo en el blog. De esta manera podrás saber cuando ha llegado un nuevo artículo sin necesidad de subscribirte a un RSS o similar. Con sólo atender a @arduinoteam en twitterrecibirás noticias nuestras de una forma sencilla.
#2: Por otra parte, tal y como mencionamos en un post anterior, hemos invitado a Davide Gomba a ser nuestro primer editor externo. Como regalo de bienvenida, hemos importado todos sus mensajes de la blog para la que escribía anteriormente, para que sean parte de nuestra blog. Ahora encontraréis muchos más mensajes en nuestros archivos. Queremos convertirnos en un buen lugar donde documentar tus/vuestros proyetis y este es sólo el primer paso para conseguirlo.
#3: Hemos activado la opción “clean URLs” para hacer los títulos de los posts más legibles. Esto implica que nuestra blog va a ser un poco más difícil de encontrar en buscadores y que posiblemente rompamos los links con algunas páginas que apuntan hacia nuestro blog. Necesitamos hacer este cambio en algún momento y sentíamos que era el momento apropiado de cara a tener una mejor manera de dar acceso a nuestros artículos.
PS. si, yo (dcuartielles) hice cometí hoy un error y accidentalmente publiqué un mensaje en twitter para cada uno de los artículos que importé en el blog. Muchachos/as, lo siento mucho, he limpiado la cuenta de twitter. Pero claro, aquellos de vosotros que seguís twitter a través de algún dispositivo móvil con notificaciones automáticas,  habéis sido víctimas de un DOBLE ataque de spam por mi parte!! No volverá a suceder.


dcuartielles – September 11th, 2010
Yeah, we have slightly changed our layout by adding a banner to the blog, the documentation page and the playground. We have made our classic “A” favicon into a circle. We have changed the picture of the classic serial board on the portal. And we are announcing that we are preparing something new for you guys.
You might remember we had a community meeting earlier this year (ITP, March 2010). There was a lot of talking and we took plenty of notes of what people thought Arduino was and should be. During the last 6 months we have been working hard to bring you some improvements. We are going to make a public announcement later this month from New York, USA, introducing  a bunch of exciting … things (it’s hard to keep this secret).
The changes will not happen all at once, you are going to see a gradual move towards Arduino Uno during the Fall. The first phase is about to happen, but you will have to wait until our official release. In the meanwhile, let the rumor spread.
When it comes to our blog, I have a special announcement to make. During the last months we have been following Davide Gomba (twitterweb) very closely. You may know him because he is cleaning up the forum from spam every day. Davide is a film maker, that felt in love with Arduino some time ago. He has been working for us managing some projects internally and has been blogging about Arduino for Tinker it! We have made an agreement to bring all of that work into our blog and invited Davide to become our first non-team editor (sorry for the picture choice Davide … was the best I could find on the net).

Davide Gomba by Davide Gomba
This is a move towards making the blog a more open space for the community to contribute documenting projects at a more visible space, yes there will be more non-team editors. As Arduino we have never before concentrated in blogging about all the projects showing up on the net; not that we don’t like it, but there are blogs making a terrific job when it comes to doing this. We want to offer a space not for those semi-professional blogs to report, but for the community to share projects for others. Again, we are working to make this happen and … I will say no more, you will have to wait for the official announcement.
PS. and btw, for those interested in the exact color we have chosen for our banner, Giorgio -our graphic designer- mentioned that “the colour is a blue-green, between turquoise and cerulean” and he is very very precise when it comes to define colors, you better don’t mess up with him ;-)
Pues si, hemos cambiado ligeramente la gráfica de la web añadiendo un banner al blog, a la página de documentación y al playground. Hemos transformado nuestro clásico favicon de la “A” a un círculo. Hemos cambiado la imagen de la clásica placa serie de la página principal. Y estamos anunciando que preparamos algo nuevo para vosotros.
Es posible que recordéis la reunión de la comunidad Arduino que se celebró en Marzo de este año en ITP. Allí se habló largo y tendido y nosotros tomamos gran cantidad de notas de lo que la gente pensaba de Arduino y de lo debiera de ser. Durante los últimos 6 meses hemos trabajado duro para traer algunas mejoras. Vamos a anunciar estas mejoras a finales de este mes en Nueva York, EEUU. Se presentarán una serie de … novedades (tengo que mantener el secreto).
Los cambios no sucederán todos de golpe, vais a presenciar una migración paulatina hacia Arduino Uno durante el otoño. La primera fase está a punto de suceder, aunque tenéis que esperar al lanzamiento oficial para saber de que hablo. Mientras tanto podéis colaborar a hacer que se extienda el rumor.
En lo referente a nuestro blog, tengo que hacer un anuncio oficial. Durante los últimos meses hemos seguido de cerca el trabajo de Davide Gomba(twitterweb). Es posible que os suene su nombre ya que se dedica a mantenimiento del foro cada día. Davide es un cineasta que se enamoró de Arduino hace algún tiempo. Ha trabajado con nostros llevando algunos proyectos a nivel interno y ha llevado el blog de Tinker it! posteando mayormente sobre proyectos hechos con Arduino por vosotros. Hemos llegado a un acuerdo para importar todos esos posts a nuestra web y hemos invitado a Davide a convertirse en nuestro primer editor externo al equipo (siento la elección de la foto Davide, es lo mejor que he podido encotrar en internet).

Davide Gomba por Davide Gomba
Espero que esto se entienda como un primer paso a hacer nuestra blog un espacio para que la comunidad pueda contribuir con la documentación de sus proyectos en un espacio algo más visible y, si, habrá mas editores que no sean parte del “Equipo A(rduino)”. Como Arduino no nos hemos concentrado en postear sobre todos los proyectos que aparecen en internet; no es que no nos gusten, sino que hay una serie de blogs haciendo un trabajo increible al respecto. Ahora queremos ofrecer un espacio para aquellos que cuentan que no se enmarcan dentro de la categoría de los blogs profesionales. Estamos trabajando para hacer esto posible, pero no puedo contar más hasta el anuncio oficial.

PS. por cierto, para aquellos interesados en el color exacto que hemos tomado para el banner, Giorgio -nuestro diseñador gráfico- mencionó que “el color es azul-verdoso, entre turquesa y cerulean” y él es muy muy preciso cuando se trata de definir colores, mejor respetar su opinión ;-)


mellis – September 4th, 2010
Arduino 0019 is now available from the download page. Changes include:
  • SPI library.
  • The Ethernet library has been refactored to use the new SPI library. Existing sketches will need: #include added to the top of their code. Just select SPI from the Sketch > Import Library menu.
  • String class
  • A0, A1, etc. aliases for the analog input pins
  • shiftIn() function
  • Added Arduino Pro 5V and Arduino Fio to the boards menu
  • Added control over automatic scrolling and outgoing line endings in the serial monitor

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Hola que tal lectores de esta pagina tan maravillosa que es arduino Tec ...Los invito a que amplíen mas sus conocimientos en Arduino y Raspberry Pi Uniéndose a La mi grupo Arduino Tec

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