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Hola que tal lectores de esta pagina tan maravillosa que es arduino Tec ...Los invito a que amplíen mas sus conocimientos en Arduino y Raspberry Pi Uniéndose a mi grupo Arduino Tec

Multi proyectos 0049


Davide Gomba – December 8th, 2011
TriggerTrap, is a very interesting product developed by Ziah Fogel & Haje Jan Kamps. Arduino-based & open-source, is now on preorder. What does it do? (Watch Video)
(With TriggerTrap) your camera will be easily controlled in a number of ways either by sound, by breaking a laser beam, time or any other method you can think of using its built in a Aux port.
TriggerTrap comes in the well designed, finished product and with the TT Shield (75$). More info soon.
via [GeekyGadgets] source [TriggerTrap]


Davide Gomba – December 7th, 2011
[Andre Konig] is sharing Fritzing’s Christmas Challenge (ending the 18th of December).
[...]Take a look at what you’ve built with Fritzing this year, and snap a couple of photos/screenshots. If you think it’s an interesting concept, a technical masterpiece, or just fun, we want to see it all.  
Then either upload it to our projects gallery or mail them to info (ät) fritzing.org. (Also, you must agree that we may publish what you send us (if you prefer, anonymized).
Deadline is Sunday, December 18th.


Priya Kuber – December 6th, 2011

Adding just a few conditions in a small program, and using Arduino integrated with sensors, we get to add intelligence to a BlackBerry Playbook application.
The Arduino board uses an IR range sensor to find targets. The IR sensor is placed on a servo to scan the area of interest (e.g. kitchen). The data is sent to the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet, on which we’ve built an application to present a sonar map and look for movement. If movement is detected, the application will sound an alarm and take a picture.


Davide Gomba – December 5th, 2011
[quetwo] aka Nicholas Kwiatkowski developed a native interface to receive serial data in Flash.
[...]  The AIR Native Extension (ANE) is a C based .DLL / .framework for the Windows/Mac platforms that allows AIR to essentially open a COM port.  I wrote it in a way that is supposed to emulate the functions of the flash.net.Socket library that is included in the AIR runtime.  I’ve posted the entire project, including the source code and final binaries on Google Code at http://code.google.com/p/as3-arduino-connector/
via [quetwo], [GoogleCode]


Priya Kuber – December 2nd, 2011
Marcus with his hack
We all dream of a technology matching the Jetsons someday. And there came Siri, so close to a personal assistant to a gadget-lover. Here is Siri taken to the next level by Marcus Schappi, who dreams of using it to automate his home next.
An Australian man has become one of the first to hack the iPhone 4S voice recognition app Siri but his motives were not sinister – he wants to use the smartphone as a home automation tool.
He joins another Sydney developer and founder of Remember the Milk – a task manager app for the iPhone, iPad and Android platforms – in hacking Siri.
Mr Schappi says his hack could allow users to do simple tasks such as turn their air conditioning on or off, control their home entertainment or alarm system and unlock their front door or car.
But the hack may not last long, with Mr Schappi predicting Apple would want to close the hole he exploited.
To understand how the hack works one must know a bit about how Siri operates. It sends “voice packets” to Apple’s servers. The tech giant’s computer servers then provide voice recognition on these packets and returns a string of text.
To cap it all, it does not involve the jailbreaking of the iPhone!
Mr Schappi described the set-up as “relatively inexpensive”. It uses what is known as an Arduino board with an Ethernet port ($69.95), at least two Arduino compatible relay modules or electronic switches ($13.50 each) and one wireless mains remote ($24.95), bringing the total to $121.90.
Mr Schappi is the director of Little Bird Company, an electronics ’boutique’ as he puts it.


mellis – November 30th, 2011
Arduino 1.0 is now available from the download page.
A long time coming, this release brings small but important changes to clean up the Arduino environment and language – as well as adding lots of additional features. Updates to the environment include a new file extension, toolbar icons, and color scheme as well as a progress bar on compilation and upload. The language changes include modifications to the Serial class, addition of DHCP and DNS support to the Ethernet library, a new SoftwareSerial library, multi-file support in the SD library, modifications to the Wire library and UDP class, etc. For details, please see the release notes or this blog post. We’ll be pushing the updated reference for Arduino 1.0 live in the next day or two.
This release is the product of many people (listed in the release notes). Thank you to everyone who helped us get here!


Davide Gomba – November 24th, 2011
Even if some of you (thanks for the wonderful picture, Bill) already realized it, we are officially announcing a big Christmas surprise for all Arduino users in North America: Radioshack sells Arduino in most of its 6000+ stores all around US!
This means that you’re going to find Arduino UNO, Arduino MEGA 2560 and Arduino ADK, together with four shields, in the main Radioshack stores in your homecity.
Arduino jumps into the retail market in its new *sexy* retail packaging developed by TODO.
We are asking you to celebrate this wonderful achievement by taking pictures of  the Arduinos in the Radioshack nearby and twitt them with #Arduino@Radioshack hashtag.
Wonder if any of these new products (and retail packaging) will be sold on the Arduino Store? Stay tuned for next week Christmas’ Specials.


Priya Kuber – November 22nd, 2011
A laser light show using open hardware is the perfect hack for a bachelor-pad.
It’s a “programmable disco ball,” a “cat toy for humans,” and a “personal laser light show,” all rolled into one. That’s how one Matt Leone describes his latest creation, aptly known as the Laser Ball. To realize his dream, Leone drilled a set of holes into a garden variety tennis ball, and inserted about 14 laser diodes, each with an attached strip of diffraction grating. Said diodes were then synced up with an Arduino-equipped Teensy microcontroller nestled within the ball, alongside a rechargeable battery.
To make it interactive, Leone incorporated Adafruit’s IR remote control.
Groove on!
[Via: Engadget ]


Priya Kuber – November 14th, 2011
The latest member of the AI family, who is reaching out to users is the much talked about Siri. What if she started executing commands using just thoughts rather than words?
A project by Ollie and Josh, which everyone is talking about, called the Project Black Mirror is gaining a lot of interest among the believers and skeptics alike.
One of the comments reads as:
“Quick question? How are you amplifying the EEG signals before feeding them into the arduino? I ask because all of the neuroscience researchers I’ve talked to say you need an amplifier roughly the size of a VCR to bring the signals up to levels at which they can be analyzed. If you’ve found a way to just plug wires from the electrode pads into the analog inputs on an arduino that would be quite the breakthrough. Also is there any chance you’d be willing to demo your code for separating the brain activity on the EEG from noise created by environmental effects and muscle movements since I’m sure you know that something as small as an eye blink creates an electrical impulse at the scalp which dwarfs the majority of the brain’s electrical signals when measured through the skull. “
Unlike the other post that we made about brain-controlled devices using  anEmotiv headset, this one claims to recognize different words.
Another report of such a nature, comes from abcnews.go.com :
They outfitted volunteers with caps with EEG sensors, and asked them to steer a helicopter on a computer screen through a series of randomly generated rings that appeared on the screen ahead of it. There were no hand controls, no joysticks. They could only try to will the helicopter forward with their minds.
Citing an example of an experiment by Dr. Bin He of the University of Minnesotaand his team.
Although it would be nice to observe such a project see the daylight, but for now, the possibility seems a little far away.
Prologue : Quoted from their blog:
Also today we have got the go ahead form kickstarter,  to get  project black mirror up there,  now all we need to do is set up an US business.. eeek ! ( anyone know how to set up a business in the US ?)
(PS: Verdict postponed till the Kickstarter program ends ;) )


Davide Gomba – November 8th, 2011
[Robotgrrl] shared a super-userful way to import Arduino Data to  Mac applications, with tutorials and examples.
We created Matatino, a framework that lets you communicate between your Mac applications and your Arduino, You can follow our tutorials to get started with adding Matatino to your project. To see Matatino in action, check outMeters for Arduino. We will be adding more examples, libraries and tutorials for the Android ADK, iOS Redpark Serial Cable, Processing and OpenFrameworks in the future! You can stay informed about updates through RobotGrrl’s blog Apps4Arduino category feed.

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Hola que tal lectores de esta pagina tan maravillosa que es arduino Tec ...Los invito a que amplíen mas sus conocimientos en Arduino y Raspberry Pi Uniéndose a La mi grupo Arduino Tec

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