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Hola que tal lectores de esta pagina tan maravillosa que es arduino Tec ...Los invito a que amplíen mas sus conocimientos en Arduino y Raspberry Pi Uniéndose a mi grupo Arduino Tec

Multi proyectos 0023


davide.velluto – December 19th, 2012

Another Robot, another App(lication) of Arduino. The user [shreks7] built up an Android App for controlling the robot wirelessly and stream live video off an android phone placed on the robot.
The robot has an inbuilt wireless router and two brush-less DC motors and runs on a power source of 26-30V(depends on the requirement) power supply.
The robot streams live video back to the app and can be used for navigation.
Also there is a console for Windows to control the robot and debug it .
It uses Arduino Mega 1280 + Ethernet Shield + Pololu Motor Driver (It is by far the best one i have used) + Belkin Router & Two Android Devices .
There is also a  where you can see the robot in action.


davide.velluto – December 19th, 2012
This is a good example of hacking devices with Arduino. [sspence65] has put on oa good tutorial to start from something easy and simple: IR hack.
Capturing codes from any tv remote, and using them to control devices attached to Arduino Outputs. Press a button on a TV Remote, and the code appears in the serial monitor, Add that code to the case/switch statements in the sketch to control an output pin.
On the [website] there is the full explanation and code to build the same experience, but nothing prevent you to implement a custom way for your IR devices.


davide.velluto – December 18th, 2012

The user [oleglyan] is building a SUMO robot based on Arduino.
The sport “SUMO” came from Japan
which has been applied for robots.
And here is one of the categories.
The system consists of:
*A mechanical platform
*Power electronics
*Power source
Mechanical parts made of aluminum L and U profiles and sheets, all fastened with screws.
Actuators are 2 gearmotors driving 2 separate wheels with bevel gears.
In order to control these actuators, we install 2 H-bridge drivers.
And the LiPo power source around 12V to get maximum performance.
In order to be able to detect the opponent, we install 4 IR proximity sensors with range 40cm.
In order to be inside the Dohyo, we install atleast 2 line detecting sensors at the bottom of the front corners.
Arduino is a perfect solution for this project. There’s so many macros and libraries which simplifies our programming and drives directly to project realisation. With the help of it we can process all the data from sensors easily and control the system.
Nano V3.0 is a compact solution for this project.
All the tech stuff is in the [blog]


davide.velluto – December 17th, 2012
The example here is part of a larger project that explores the development of interactive sensory objects for and by people with learning disabilities, specifically to enhance the experience of museums and heritage sites in the UK.
In this example we embedded an Arduino Uno inside a granary loaf, together with a Phidgets 1110 touch sensor, an Adafruit Wave Shield and a portable speaker with amplifier. The sounds stored on the SD card were recorded by the participants on our project and were selected randomly each time the load was picked up.
We are not yet at the end of our first year of the project, and still finding out the many incredible things that can be achieved with an Arduino, and some basic sensors!
Thank you [kingarthursdog] that sent us this big project involving Arduino. On the [website] you can find all their projects.


Davide Gomba – December 16th, 2012
Arduino loves / uses / promote Creative Commons Licenses: have a look at what does this mean, it could be your choice for sharing your next project!


davide.velluto – December 15th, 2012

Do you need to build a KeyPad for your system? [AverageGuy] did it himself. Here his story:
My old keypad GDO gave up the ghost a while back so I decided I’d undertake a new Arduino based project. I saw there were quite a number of wireless projects already and one wired, but the wired on didn’t go into any detail, so here’s an incomplete implementation. Food for thought if nothing else.
On the [website] there is a full description and the schematics. I really recommend you if you’re interested, because the explanation is complete in every aspects.


davide.velluto – December 14th, 2012
When we say “there are no limit for  Arduino”, here we have a project,  sent by [ladvine] in wich Arduino meets biomedic tech. The WiFi shield is the real application when they speak about Arduino. There is a long paper about it on this [website] that I suggest to visit to understand more this important project.
iPacemaker is an reprogrammable implant pacemaker with wireless connectivity.
A user friendly embedded web interface helps in changing every parameters of the implantable pacemaker. The important feature is the WiFi alliance complaint hardware which supports every wireless device to establish connection with the IMD. GSM connectivity can be used in absence of WiFi in remote areas helping in Telemetry.
Wireless protection in case of WiFi is enabled through WPA2 security with AES Encryption and Java Web interface which has inherent security capabilities. Shielding the GSM and WiFi antennas helps reduce unwanted patient radiations.


davide.velluto – December 14th, 2012

Arduino meets Ecology and Christmas. This integrations uses Arduino as a Twitter trigger for the lights, so if you tweet one of the keywords: PACE, AMORE, SERENITA’, FRATELLANZA, TOLLERANZA, GIOIA, SPERANZA, SOLIDARIETA’, FELICITA’, PEACE, LOVE, BROTHERHOOD. This is an Italian Project and the Tree can be found in  Lonate Pozzolo near Varese.
A big ( 12 mt tall ) Christmas Tree build with 34.626 plastic bottles and “powered” by Arduino and Paraimpu, feeded via twitter and site-pushbuttons. Tweet your keyword with special hastag #ecoalbero and light up a light on the tree.
More information ( in Italian) can be found in the [website]. There is also the full description of the project, the purpose and the materials used to build it up.


davide.velluto – December 13th, 2012
This is an original way to hack a dvd-player and integrate it with an allarm-clock. Well, building up a new Digital Alarm Clock with Arduino is the real project, the integration with the DVD-Player is the Hack. Thanks [razrbhr] to send us your project.
Arduino led clock driven directly using an Arduino Mega 2560 board.. Has an in built alarm function and triggers a DVD player via optocouplers to start playing songs when alarm time is reached so you wake up with a smile…
You will find more and the full description of the project, included pictures on his [blog]


Davide Gomba – December 13th, 2012
Ecco un piccolo video report della puntata dell’Arduinotour a Matera (c’é anche un set su Flickr). Questa edizione del tour é stata caratterizzata dalla partecipazione di un ragazzo francese (partito dalla Bretagna e volato per un week-end a Matera – Grande Baptiste!) che ha condiviso con noi la sua esprienza di sviluppatore di open energy monitor, un framework open source per la visualizzazione di consumi online, di cui parleremo presto in una intervista ad hoc. (il blog di Arduino ha trattato precedentemente questa storia, vai al post).
Causa maltempo il workshop é stato ospitato presso le Monacelle, un bed & breakfast poco l’ontano dall’Incubatore, all’interno dei Sassi. Un grazie aSviluppo Basilicata per il supporto e l’aiuto nell’organizzazione dell’evento.
Per chi si stesse chiedendo quando e dove si farà il prossimo workshop #arduinotour, eccovi serviti: Reggio Emilia a fine gennaio (26-27), presso il neonato Fablab ospitato all’interno dello Spazio Gerra.
Se volete portare l’#arduinotour a casa vostra riempite questo form. Se volete spargere il verbo fate il like sulla pagina dell’arduinotour su facebook.

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