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Hola que tal lectores de esta pagina tan maravillosa que es arduino Tec ...Los invito a que amplíen mas sus conocimientos en Arduino y Raspberry Pi Uniéndose a mi grupo Arduino Tec

Multi proyectos 0022


This is an interesting implementation of Arduino and Wireless comunication. The user [priyansmurarka] posted:
Ok, so here is the basic problem statement. I need to develop a temperature sensing system such that the temperature from the sensor node is relayed to a co-ordinator sensor and then the co-ordinator node shows the user in a simple graphical form.
For the wireless communication, I used Xbee Series 2 modules with Arduino Board Shields.
Uses Melexis Temperature sensor and Arduino Board to monitor and plot ambient temperature.
The realization of this project is well documented on the [blog], with code, graphs and pictures.


davide.velluto – December 24th, 2012
Somebody knows how to have fun in the office and with Arduino. Have a look at this project by [whitespacers] powered with our boards
Christmas is a time of gathering the family around and enjoying the simple things in life. And what could be simpler than a good old fashioned train set… powered by tweets?
Tweeters can simply send a message to #tweettrain then enjoy the ride via the onboard camera streaming to whitespacers.com/tweettrain as they puff their way round the Whitespace HQ Winter Wonderland.
The magic also lets tweeters control the Tweet Train’s direction and speed by telling it to go in ‘reverse’ or ‘fast’.
Iain Valentine, creative director and Whitespace Santa said: “When visual, digital and experiential marketing are linked effectively, it can seem like magic. We wanted to bring our clients something special for the festive season and so our elves were kept busy bringing the late 19th century Christmas gift of choice into the digital age. Deep down, everyone wants a toy train set for Christmas!”
If you’re wondering which particular type of Christmas magic we used; it’s the extra special Arduino-micro-controller coupled with a wifi receiver type.
You see Santa’s elves replaced the Tweet Train’s manual train controller with a wifi receiver so the train can be controlled by digital commands. Tweets containing the hashtag #tweettrain are searched for, simplified, and sent to a new URL that the arduino checks for new tweets. Each time it spots one, it powers the train motors. Magic basically.
We reckon it gives the Hogwarts Express a run for its chocolate money, but why not try it for yourself? Visit. Tweet. Drive the train. The station is in live cam on the [website]


Alessandro Paganelli – December 23rd, 2012
In his blog, Michael describes a nice 4WD robot he realized by means of an arduino-compatible board, a motor shield and a couple of XBee radios, which have been used to implement a simple and effective remote control.
Actually, the remote is made up of a standard breadboard equipped with a joystick, a couple of buttons (that can turn the robot in a Kitt-like vehicle!) and the XBee radio. One interesting feature of this project is that the remote controller is fairly simple and has been designed to work with just the XBee radio board, instead of requiring an additional MCU.
More details can be found here.


davide.velluto – December 23rd, 2012
Arduino is not just the chip, there is also the IDE that brings the same name and purpose. It’s open source and free, so you can use it on every microcontroller like the ones on Arduino boards. Here an example from India! Thanks [rahulkar] for submitting.
The project is a digital implementation of “book cricket game” which Indian students normally use to play in their childhood time. The heart of the project is 8 bit MCU from AVR family called ATtiny85. ATtiny85 are small and cheap microcontrollers which are convenient for running simple programs with low footprint. The software used for programming the MCU is Arduino.
If you’re interested there is a post on the [website] that explains all the step to build it, have a look!


davide.velluto – December 23rd, 2012
How about a new way to make music? [cpeckmusic] has it’s way to do it, with is project Sharpy.
Sharpy is an electronic instrument that was designed and built by composer Charles Peck. The instrument utilizes three infrared distance sensors to control the sound, which is produced digitally with an Arduino board and GinSing shield. So as users interact with these sensors, there is a clear auditory connection to their physical actions.
Despite having only three sensors, the instrument is capable of a variety of sounds. This is because Sharpy has three possible operating states, each of which assigns a different set of parameters to the three sensors. State 1 is initiated by covering the sensor on the user’s left first. The instrument will then stay in State 1 until no sensors are being covered. Therefore, the user must completely remove their hands form the instrument in order to change states. Concordantly, State 2 is initiated using the middle sensor and State 3 using the sensor on the right. The short improvisation in this video demonstrates a few of these sonic possibilities.
I suggest you to watch the  of the live performance. If you’re interested in more works check his official [website]


davide.velluto – December 22nd, 2012
Arduino is not only for hobby projects, there are also good way to use it to semplify your work. This is a good example, submitted by [sspence65].
This is a project I did at work to control two water baths for a process control. Two custom tanks have to be kept at 180F, using DS18b20 temp sensors, an Arduino 2560, 4 SSR’s, and $15 1500 watt electric elements.
On the [website] you can find all about the project, included the code for the Arduino Mega.


davide.velluto – December 22nd, 2012

This is a service that is starting and involves our beloved Arduinos and coding.
Robocademy allows anyone to upload code to currently two Arduinos and see the Arduino over live video. I started the project because I got to play with a robot over the internet and thought it would be great to let people program Arduino over the net. The code is completely open source, BSD license. I want to have people put their Arduinos online from all over the world.
Why don’t you give a try? You can find it here on the [website].


davide.velluto – December 21st, 2012

This is an original way to build custom digital clock. Thank [mrnick1234567] to send us this project, I suggest you to see the  to understand better the capabilities of this clock.
This is a year or so old now, but I though you might like to feature it. It’s a clock that plays the game pong to tell the time. It uses a couple of cheap LED matrix panels an Arduino and clock chip.
As the author says, all the instructions are on the [website],
“..and quite a few people have build them / modified my code to add other features.”
We hope they will submit their “mod”, I would be glad to post them in the blog.


davide.velluto – December 21st, 2012

Here an amazing project. It’s a 3D projector “homemade” with Arduino. Many Arduinos and lot of LEDs RGB.
We build a LED cube with 4096 LEDs powered by 16 arduinos. It can show 3D animations, words, and just about anything else we want. It stands about 6 feet tall including the base and has over a mile of wire connecting it all together.
The full build log and images are hosted on the [website]. Thanks [tbennett] for submitting it


davide.velluto – December 20th, 2012
Do you want to control your garage door from your Droid-Phone? Here [hag] sent us his project that does exactly what your dream’s remote would do.
The GarageUino is my first Arduino project that has resulted in a product that I actually use. It’s a garage port controller that features a 20 by 4 character LCD display, four LEDs, a button, two connectors for position sensors and an USB connector. Oh! And of course an Ethernet port for Internet access.
On the [website] there is the full explanation, with pictures of the making process and the code for Arduino and the App for Android.

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Hola que tal lectores de esta pagina tan maravillosa que es arduino Tec ...Los invito a que amplíen mas sus conocimientos en Arduino y Raspberry Pi Uniéndose a La mi grupo Arduino Tec

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