January 29th, 2010
Wow. Two nice posts on how to use & control your Canon 5D Mark II both for shooting and triggering photos. Via InfraRed!

Automatically resume video shooting on a Canon 5D Mark II
Infrared Controlled TimeLapse Photography with Canon DSLRs
Infrared Controlled TimeLapse Photography with Canon DSLRs
January 28th, 2010
Interesting Polar T31 Heart Rate Transmitter (found under 40$ on the web) +Heart Rate Monitor Interface + Arduino + iPhone App enabling to send around or monitorize your heart frequency.
via HumanApi
also on appleunofficial
January 27th, 2010
Wonderful yet triky music visualization with BlinkM.
- 1 Arduino
- 4 BlinkM units (salvaged from the wireless blinkm project)
- 1 plastic case for the enclosure
- lm386 low voltage power amplifier (overkill since i’m not driving anything but it’s the only opamp I had lying around)
- prototype board, wires, resistors, caps, headers, standoffs, screws, sockets, connectors
January 9th, 2010
The migration took much less than expected, what considering we rehearsed it three times was not that strange. 12 hours after finishing the job my DNS in Sweden upgraded its registers and I could access the site again. I got happily surprised when Madworm (one of the Arduino users in forum) sent me this picture showing a performance test he ran on the new server which happens to be about a million times better than one he made about two months ago.
These are good news, we are happy, I am happy. Also, if you are a webadmin and are interested in what we learned from this. Here our 50cents.
- our forum wasn’t really the problem until now, no matter how much load the performance tests were showing, we have been monitoring the website for months and the load on the forum -which is made in perl- was of about 3 requests/second, 5 at most … that is not enough to crash our server (not even the old one)
- our blog and wiki report maximum 20 to 30 requests per second, again … not really a problem
- the downloads from our server, which are reported as httpd processes, generate up to 500GB of hidden traffic in a month, they are up to 90 simultaneous processes, enough not to let the CPU have enough processing power to do anything else
We are going to test this extent by removing the downloads until the end of January to a different server. We like Googlecode and the service they provide us for the software releases, but we still want to have our own copy of our software and documentation for people to get directly from us. And just for the record, here some screenshots I took this morning while doing the doo.
January 7th, 2010
due to the OS migration in our servers, we invite you to stop posting -otherwise your information will get lost- in the following order:
- Friday Jan 8th, 13.00 CET: no more email to the email lists, the archives will be moved from then and on
- Saturday Jan 9th, 6.00 CET: no more posts to the blog, no more posts to the playground
Saturday at 8.00 CET we will activate the new DNS records what will take up to 48 hours to propagate over the whole internet. If when connecting to Arduino, you get the normal page, with no migration message on top of it, that means your computer is accessing the latest website and you can use the website as normal again.
steps for migrating to the new OS at
January 4th, 2010
We are going to run an upgrade of our servers from CentOS 4 to CentOS 5. During the next week we are going to be migrating the whole web, blog, forums, etc. The way to achieve this is creating a new IP range for our servers and move the whole content there. The web names will be kept the same.
In essence this should not affect the current web, nor will it improve the current functionality in any possible way. The servers will be online 100% and there will be a small temporal dis-adjustment due to the nature of the net. While all the DNS servers are updating to the new IP range, some of you will be seeing the old servers, while some others will be seeing the new ones. If there was about to be any downtime in the server, it would happen on January 10th, which is a Sunday, most likely nothing will happen.
The way we are going to cope with this is to freeze the forum and playground in the old server from January 10th 00:01 CET. At that time I will switch the DNS records, giving the whole system the Sunday to update. Worst case scenario some of you might not be able of posting anything to the forum or the playground until Monday January 11th. The website will work as normal, the email lists should do as well.
You might ask why we are doing this if it is not strictly needed. Arduino’s web development team is responsible for strategic planning on how to use the web for our project and, after studying the current use of the net and the possible new improvements, we have realized that sooner or later we would have to migrate to a better version of CentOS, which is the OS provided by our server provider. This will allow us creating new services, make better use of our processing power, and optimize our backups.
Talking about something else, there have been many requests for updating the forum. We are all for doing it, but first things first. Directly after fixing the server’s OS we will:
1) upgrade the forum’s software to the latest stable version,
2) make new templates for the forum to make it look like the rest of the website,
3) move the forum’s search function into Google to speed it up,
4) add some fancy web 2.0 functions to the forum like “twitter this” or “send this to my faceboook”
January 1st, 2010
Dear Friends of Arduino
On the first day of 2010 we look back at five amazing years where Arduino has gone from being an idea into our heads to become a widely used platform for hardware learning and experimentation.
We set out to build a platform that helps people get stuff done without having too much focus on the technology used to get it done. We’re pleased to see many people have managed to do just that.
We have faced a happy challenge as the platform has seen more widespread use. We get more and more very qualified contributions and valuable suggestions from a many different sources. It is difficult to satisfy everyone while avoiding the platform bloat that we sought to avoid in our original goals. We believe we have been quite successful at keeping Arduino true to its roots, incorporating suggestions and contributions but still keeping it simple. Arduino has reached a reasonable level of stability and reliability, and it’s time to crystalise the work done so far and to graduate, as the title in Italian says, to 1.0
What does this mean for Arduino?
We plan to stabilise the API and the current IDE so that for the foreseeable future the reference, the examples, the tutorials and the books you buy should stay consistent. This will help people who are teaching, wiriting tutorials and books to stay up to date for longer. We will obviously fix bugs and add new boards to the core as they appear and you should expect everything in 1.0 onward to work properly.
At the same time this allows us to open up other streams for developing “experimental” distributions that are more cutting edge that are more appealing to people with more experience that are willing to trade some stability with more performance and new features.
The schedule for 1.0 release will be as follows: we’ll start a public discussion on the API for 1.0 which will last into February. At that time, we’ll summariseall the suggestions, and incorporate those that we consider coherent with the philosophy of simplicity and ease of use.
In march, during the NYU spring break, we’ll meet up at ITP in New York to exchange notes and test our assumptions followed by a social event somewhere in town (we’ll have more details about this as we are organising it right now)
We should expect to be able to go “Uno punto Zero” by June.
We also recognise that our website has been in need of love for quite a while and we have started working on a new infrastructure where we’ll better integrate its three main elements (Main site, forum and playground) both graphically and technically. A new forum platform is in the works as we try to find a solution that will let us migrate all the immensely valuable content of the current forum without losing a single bit of it.
The main website will become, in the long run, a much more general resource for people learning about Physical Computing and Arduino. There are some amazing tutorials on the playground and around the web, collecting and organising them will provide us with a great resource for learners and we hope to recognize those contributions by including more of them in the main site
Hardware-wise we’re working on some new ideas on how to make Arduino even simpler to use and more affordable. At the same time we’re looking at how, applying the Arduino Philosophy, we can make some other areas of technology more approachable for everybody.
Today everyone of us is working on their new years resolutions, these are ours and we hope you’ll be excited as we are to work on it.
Massimo on behalf of the Arduino team
December 6th, 2009
Are you interested in Interaction Design? On December 10th, the Bachelor and Master students at K3, Malmo University will present their projects developed over the last couple of months. The prototyping teachers will also show off their creativity assembling a decomposed Xmass jukebox. Come and enjoy Glogg celebrating interaction design with us.
K3 Winter Show, 2009
The show will take place at K3′s new building at Ostra Varvsgatan 11. The building is called Kranen 2 (which means crane 2). Funny enough it has a boat inside and not a crane. Entrance is free. You are welcome from 13.00.
December 6th, 2009
World Clock - winner of Instructables Arduino contest 2009
A couple of weeks ago we announced the Instructables Arduino contest, the results are now ready. The pretty World Clock won. I wonder if its maker will send me one this Xmass. The people at Instructables were overwhelmed with the response from the community. Believe me when I say there were a lot of entries, it was hard to be in the jury … the level in the projects presented got quite high.
I wish I had some time to join one of these contests myself. But … mm … it’s maybe better just being part of the jury, I don’t want to lose against you guys!
December 4th, 2009
During Massimo’s course at CIID, the Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design, the students came out with the idea of making a cake resembling the IDE’s icon:
Massimo got extra happy that day, just take a look at this other picture (by the same author)
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