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Hola que tal lectores de esta pagina tan maravillosa que es arduino Tec ...Los invito a que amplíen mas sus conocimientos en Arduino y Raspberry Pi Uniéndose a mi grupo Arduino Tec

Multi proyectos 0071


Davide Gomba – November 30th, 2010
scratchcitilab on livestream.com. Broadcast Live Free
Not long ago I wrote a detailed post about Arduino Visual Programming Enviroments: [Jordi Delgado] commented about Citilab experience with Scracth For Arduino and Children. Back in Barcelona we had the chance to see this in action for OpenRaval workshop, and we were proofed of its usability.
Read on the interview to Marina Conde and Victor Casado to have more information about the all story.
Download Scracth4Arduino from Citilab Site and give it a try!

scratchcitilab on livestream.com. Broadcast Live Free
Not long ago I wrote a detailed post about Arduino Visual Programming Enviroments: [Jordi Delgado] commented about Citilab experience with Scracth For Arduino and Children. Back in Barcelona we had the chance to see this in action for OpenRaval workshop, and we were proofed of its usability.
Read on the interview to Marina Conde and Victor Casado to have more information about the all story.
Download Scracth4Arduino from Citilab Site and give it a try!

scratchcitilab on livestream.com. Broadcast Live Free
Not long ago I wrote a detailed post about Arduino Visual Programming Enviroments: [Jordi Delgado] commented about Citilab experience with Scracth For Arduino and Children. Back in Barcelona we had the chance to see this in action for OpenRaval workshop, and we were proofed of its usability.
Read on the interview to Marina Conde and Victor Casado to have more information about the all story.
Download Scracth4Arduino from Citilab Site and give it a try!


Davide Gomba – November 29th, 2010

[Martin Nawrath] from Lab3, Cologne, made a nice  ADC tutorial based on the 18bit LTC2400:
If the resolution of the Arduino is not enough for your application you have to try it with a better ADC. The LTC2400 gives you a resolution of up to 24 bit at a datarate of 5 samples per seconds  and is quite  simple to connect. With this device you can connect sensors which have only a low output level like thermo couples or force strain gauges. The high sensitivity can make the use of  of an preamp needless.
[Martin Nawrath] from Lab3, Cologne, made a nice ADC tutorial based on the 18bit LTC2400:
If the resolution of the Arduino is not enough for your application you have to try it with a better ADC. The LTC2400 gives you a resolution of up to 24 bit at a datarate of 5 samples per seconds and is quite simple to connect. With this device you can connect sensors which have only a low output level like thermo couples or force strain gauges. The high sensitivity can make the use of of an preamp needless.

[Martin Nawrath] from Lab3, Cologne, made a nice  ADC tutorial based on the 18bit LTC2400:
If the resolution of the Arduino is not enough for your application you have to try it with a better ADC. The LTC2400 gives you a resolution of up to 24 bit at a datarate of 5 samples per seconds  and is quite  simple to connect. With this device you can connect sensors which have only a low output level like thermo couples or force strain gauges. The high sensitivity can make the use of  of an preamp needless.


Davide Gomba – November 26th, 2010

To Share is a very interesting Media / Creativity / Art Festival in Turin, Italy.  You may have lost the Festival, but you are still on time to join the Action Sharing 2 Competition.
The Sharing, in partnership with the Turin Chamber of Commerce, is announcing the second Action Sharing competition.
Action Sharing is an ideas competition for artistic projects that make syncretic use of mechatronic elements.
Area of key interest for The Sharing include: art, music, drama, performance art and dance.
The Turin Chamber of Commerce has sponsored the competition with a view to promoting the creative capital to be found in the Piedmont region, where art and technology are two strategic sectors for the local economy, as part of its commitment to supporting initiatives that promote interdisciplinary co-operation.
Artists are invited to enter projects that make use of the devices required by the competition (electric motor/linear voice coil actuator) in the areas of key interest stated above.
The aim of the competition is to identify and select artistic projects that can be developed in partnership with leading companies in the mechatronics sector, the Polytechnic University of Turin, and Regione Piemonte institutions.
The idea judged the best will win a prize of €1500*.
*one thousand, five hundred euros, including tax and social security contributions.
The deadline for entries is midnight, 30th November 2010.
more info on [ToShare]

To Share is a very interesting Media / Creativity / Art Festival in Turin, Italy. You may have lost the Festival, but you are still on time to join the Action Sharing 2 Competition.
The Sharing, in partnership with the Turin Chamber of Commerce, is announcing the second Action Sharing competition.
Action Sharing is an ideas competition for artistic projects that make syncretic use of mechatronic elements.
Area of key interest for The Sharing include: art, music, drama, performance art and dance.
The Turin Chamber of Commerce has sponsored the competition with a view to promoting the creative capital to be found in the Piedmont region, where art and technology are two strategic sectors for the local economy, as part of its commitment to supporting initiatives that promote interdisciplinary co-operation.
Artists are invited to enter projects that make use of the devices required by the competition (electric motor/linear voice coil actuator) in the areas of key interest stated above.
The aim of the competition is to identify and select artistic projects that can be developed in partnership with leading companies in the mechatronics sector, the Polytechnic University of Turin, and Regione Piemonte institutions.
The idea judged the best will win a prize of €1500*.
*one thousand, five hundred euros, including tax and social security contributions.
The deadline for entries is midnight, 30th November 2010.
more info on [ToShare]
To Share é un Festival che si tiene ogni anno a Torino, a inizio Novembre. I temi sono la creatività, l’arte digitale, la tecnologia.
Se (come me) ve lo siete persi non disperate, potete ancora partecipare alla seconda Action Sharing 2 Competition.
Il bando riguarda un Concorso di Idee legato a progetti artistici che utilizzano elementi meccatronici in modo sincretico.
Le aree di interesse privilegiate per The Sharing sono: arte, musica, teatro, performance, danza.
Il supporto della Camera di commercio di Torino ha lo scopo di promuovere il capitale creativo del territorio piemontese, dove arte e tecnologia sono settori strategici dell’economia locale, sostenendo iniziative che favoriscono il dialogo interdisciplinare.
Gli artisti sono invitati a presentare progetti nelle aree di interesse indicate che includano applicazioni per i dispositivi descritti nel bando (Motore elettrico / Attuatore lineare voice coil).
Obbiettivo del concorso è creare un’occasione per produrre progetti artistici in collaborazione con le imprese leader nel settore della meccatronica, il Politecnico di Torino e le istituzioni della Regione Piemonte.
Alla migliore proposta ideativa spetta un premio pari a 1.500 euro*.
*millecinquecento/00 al lordo di ritenute fiscali e previdenziali.
più informazioni su [ToShare]


Davide Gomba – November 25th, 2010
[skytee], inspired by Tom’s article on Make 11, made a steampunk bandwith meter:
Since we’ve got fiber optical intertubes at home, I wanted a big brass gauge telling me how big my pipe was. And that’s the idea of my TorrentMeter
How does it work?
Bandwidth data is pulled from a Linux router, filtered down to the target data using ‘grep’, and sent over the serial connection by a Perl script. Since the meter itself is just waiting for serial data, alterations to the router’s scripting make it easy to represent a count of unread emails, tweets, or whatever data your code can scrape..
check out TorrentMeter page on Skytee GitHub (with inkscape files for the scales too),
via [HackADay] source [Skytee]

[skytee], inspired by Tom’s article on Make 11, made a steampunk bandwith meter:
Since we’ve got fiber optical intertubes at home, I wanted a big brass gauge telling me how big my pipe was. And that’s the idea of my TorrentMeter
How does it work?
Bandwidth data is pulled from a Linux router, filtered down to the target data using ‘grep’, and sent over the serial connection by a Perl script. Since the meter itself is just waiting for serial data, alterations to the router’s scripting make it easy to represent a count of unread emails, tweets, or whatever data your code can scrape..
check out TorrentMeter page on Skytee GitHub (with inkscape files for the scales too),
via [HackADay] source [Skytee]

[skytee], inspired by Tom’s article on Make 11, made a steampunk bandwith meter:
Since we’ve got fiber optical intertubes at home, I wanted a big brass gauge telling me how big my pipe was. And that’s the idea of my TorrentMeter
How does it work?
Bandwidth data is pulled from a Linux router, filtered down to the target data using ‘grep’, and sent over the serial connection by a Perl script. Since the meter itself is just waiting for serial data, alterations to the router’s scripting make it easy to represent a count of unread emails, tweets, or whatever data your code can scrape..
check out TorrentMeter page on Skytee GitHub (with inkscape files for the scales too),
via [HackADay] source [Skytee]


Davide Gomba – November 24th, 2010
Squirt is an autonomous robot which can communicate with an Android phone. Optionally, the phone can be used as a controller to drive the robot. Squirt’s purpose is to water plants and chase away raccoons. It’s also a technology demonstration to prove the feasibility of using a smart phone to control small irrigation and well systems.
Squirt is an autonomous robot which can communicate with an Android phone. Optionally, the phone can be used as a controller to drive the robot. Squirt’s purpose is to water plants and chase away raccoons. It’s also a technology demonstration to prove the feasibility of using a smart phone to control small irrigation and well systems.
Squirt is an autonomous robot which can communicate with an Android phone. Optionally, the phone can be used as a controller to drive the robot. Squirt’s purpose is to water plants and chase away raccoons. It’s also a technology demonstration to prove the feasibility of using a smart phone to control small irrigation and well systems.


Davide Gomba – November 23rd, 2010

Facebook Fan Page
And we didn’t need a Fb poll to tell that! Click on the image to vote (well…if you happen to have a Fb account)

Facebook Fan Page
And we didn’t need a Fb poll to tell that! Click on the image to vote (well…if you happen to have a Fb account)

Facebook Fan Page
And we didn’t need a Fb poll to tell that! Click on the image to vote (well…if you happen to have a Fb account)


Davide Gomba – November 22nd, 2010
A collection of  projects made with the Arduino Lilypad / 2007-2010
A collection of projects made with the Arduino Lilypad / 2007-2010
A collection of projects made with the Arduino Lilypad / 2007-2010


Davide Gomba – November 19th, 2010
Today we had the chance to run two short worskhops about VVVV in conjunction with the Tinkerkit.
Leaving aside the usual issues with Windows, we were able to introduce 50 people to the use of Arduino as an extention of VVVV into the physical world.
The tinkerKit gave us the ability to concentrate on using Arduino without teaching anything about electronic, because the modules just connect and work.
here are some pictures of the event,
P.s. here’s the custom version of Firmata that works with VVVV, we found that the version linked from the VVVV wiki doesn’t compile.
This is a drop-in replacement for the firmata folder of your Arduino. (it also contains a new version of firmata that reads the nintendo nunchucks).
These are the patches that Alessandro built to demonstrate the different funcionalities of the kit.
Thanks to MESO, Davide Brull and Joreg
Today we had the chance to run two short worskhops about VVVV in conjunction with the Tinkerkit.
Leaving aside the usual issues with Windows, we were able to introduce 50 people to the use of Arduino as an extention of VVVV into the physical world.
The tinkerKit gave us the ability to concentrate on using Arduino without teaching anything about electronic, because the modules just connect and work.
here are some pictures of the event,
P.s. here’s the custom version of Firmata that works with VVVV, we found that the version linked from the VVVV wiki doesn’t compile.
This is a drop-in replacement for the firmata folder of your Arduino. (it also contains a new version of firmata that reads the nintendo nunchucks).
These are the patches that Alessandro built to demonstrate the different funcionalities of the kit.
Thanks to MESO, Davide Brull and Joreg
Today we had the chance to run two short worskhops about VVVV in conjunction with the Tinkerkit.
Leaving aside the usual issues with Windows, we were able to introduce 50 people to the use of Arduino as an extention of VVVV into the physical world.
The tinkerKit gave us the ability to concentrate on using Arduino without teaching anything about electronic, because the modules just connect and work.
here are some pictures of the event,
P.s. here’s the custom version of Firmata that works with VVVV, we found that the version linked from the VVVV wiki doesn’t compile.
This is a drop-in replacement for the firmata folder of your Arduino. (it also contains a new version of firmata that reads the nintendo nunchucks).
These are the patches that Alessandro built to demonstrate the different funcionalities of the kit.
Thanks to MESO, Davide Brull and Joreg


Davide Gomba – November 17th, 2010

Some days ago a on the Arduino Forum [jezuz] shared a link that I found really exhaustive in choosing among the different flavours of Sharp Rangefinders.
Over the years, Sharp has introduced a family of infra-red detectors.  These detectors boast a small package, very little current consumption, and a variety of output options.  This article offers an overview of the various types, information on interfacing them, and hints and tips.
I’ve always found this sensor very useful and suitable for a lot of projects. One of his cons is a less sensibility towards black objects. [cr0sh] explains it:
That’s because black absorbs IR (and a whole host of other frequencies in the visible range – hence, black); a ping-style ultrasonic sensor likewise has issues with non-uniform surfaces, and more seriously with soft objects like pillows (or other sound-absorbing material).
There is no one “do it all” sensor for ranging, unfortunately (with the exception of possibly LIDAR coupled with extensive mapping and processing – not something that is cheap or even doable with only an Arduino). So you need to combine sensors and then integrate the data that they produce so your system can gain a better idea of what is “out there”.
read-on the conversation to the [Arduino Forum] source [Acroname]

Some days ago a on the Arduino Forum [jezuz] shared a link that I found really exhaustive in choosing among the different flavours of Sharp Rangefinders.
Over the years, Sharp has introduced a family of infra-red detectors. These detectors boast a small package, very little current consumption, and a variety of output options. This article offers an overview of the various types, information on interfacing them, and hints and tips.
I’ve always found this sensor very useful and suitable for a lot of projects. One of his cons is a less sensibility towards black objects. [cr0sh] explains it:
That’s because black absorbs IR (and a whole host of other frequencies in the visible range – hence, black); a ping-style ultrasonic sensor likewise has issues with non-uniform surfaces, and more seriously with soft objects like pillows (or other sound-absorbing material).
There is no one “do it all” sensor for ranging, unfortunately (with the exception of possibly LIDAR coupled with extensive mapping and processing – not something that is cheap or even doable with only an Arduino). So you need to combine sensors and then integrate the data that they produce so your system can gain a better idea of what is “out there”.
read-on the conversation to the [Arduino Forum] source [Acroname]

Some days ago a on the Arduino Forum [jezuz] shared a link that I found really exhaustive in choosing among the different flavours of Sharp Rangefinders.
Over the years, Sharp has introduced a family of infra-red detectors. These detectors boast a small package, very little current consumption, and a variety of output options. This article offers an overview of the various types, information on interfacing them, and hints and tips.
I’ve always found this sensor very useful and suitable for a lot of projects. One of his cons is a less sensibility towards black objects. [cr0sh] explains it:
That’s because black absorbs IR (and a whole host of other frequencies in the visible range – hence, black); a ping-style ultrasonic sensor likewise has issues with non-uniform surfaces, and more seriously with soft objects like pillows (or other sound-absorbing material).
There is no one “do it all” sensor for ranging, unfortunately (with the exception of possibly LIDAR coupled with extensive mapping and processing – not something that is cheap or even doable with only an Arduino). So you need to combine sensors and then integrate the data that they produce so your system can gain a better idea of what is “out there”.
read-on the conversation to the [Arduino Forum] source [Acroname]


Davide Gomba – November 16th, 2010
[Paul Bishop] shared code & pics about his project mixing a 8 bit FFT libraryfound on the forum (in C) and the TvOut library.
The first piece- data collection- is fairly standard.  I use an electret microphone (which alone only produces a few mV output, far too low for our Arduino to use directly) with a transistor amplifier as the signal source, which is then sampled via the ADC on the Analog 0 pin of the Arduino.
To do spectrum analysis however, you need to capture signal over time, then process that data with what is known as a Fourier Transformation.  This magical process takes a signal and breaks it down into buckets  based upon frequencies found within the sample.  This produces a remarkably good picture of the signal.. and if displayed, functions as a visual spectrum analyzer if looped over and over.
This post contains a library which performs both the sampling and the Fast Fourier Transformation completely in C in 8 bits, amazing fast considering that fact, and uses a few tricks to be really stingy on memory, which is at a premium on Arduino- especially with the TVout data space eating up quite a bit.  Since the Atmega 328 only has 2k of RAM, every byte counts.  Matrix math done like this is nothing short of awesome.  Best of all, it’s usable as a library.  Cut and paste the .cpp and .h into a new folder named “FFT” in the Libraries directory.  My Arduino project code is adapted from the original code from the forum-posted Arduino program.
via [Blurtime]

[Paul Bishop] shared code & pics about his project mixing a 8 bit FFT libraryfound on the forum (in C) and the TvOut library.
The first piece- data collection- is fairly standard. I use an electret microphone (which alone only produces a few mV output, far too low for our Arduino to use directly) with a transistor amplifier as the signal source, which is then sampled via the ADC on the Analog 0 pin of the Arduino.
To do spectrum analysis however, you need to capture signal over time, then process that data with what is known as a Fourier Transformation. This magical process takes a signal and breaks it down into buckets based upon frequencies found within the sample. This produces a remarkably good picture of the signal.. and if displayed, functions as a visual spectrum analyzer if looped over and over.
This post contains a library which performs both the sampling and the Fast Fourier Transformation completely in C in 8 bits, amazing fast considering that fact, and uses a few tricks to be really stingy on memory, which is at a premium on Arduino- especially with the TVout data space eating up quite a bit. Since the Atmega 328 only has 2k of RAM, every byte counts. Matrix math done like this is nothing short of awesome. Best of all, it’s usable as a library. Cut and paste the .cpp and .h into a new folder named “FFT” in the Libraries directory. My Arduino project code is adapted from the original code from the forum-posted Arduino program.
via [Blurtime]
[Paul Bishop] shared code & pics about his project mixing a 8 bit FFT libraryfound on the forum (in C) and the TvOut library.
The first piece- data collection- is fairly standard. I use an electret microphone (which alone only produces a few mV output, far too low for our Arduino to use directly) with a transistor amplifier as the signal source, which is then sampled via the ADC on the Analog 0 pin of the Arduino.
To do spectrum analysis however, you need to capture signal over time, then process that data with what is known as a Fourier Transformation. This magical process takes a signal and breaks it down into buckets based upon frequencies found within the sample. This produces a remarkably good picture of the signal.. and if displayed, functions as a visual spectrum analyzer if looped over and over.
This post contains a library which performs both the sampling and the Fast Fourier Transformation completely in C in 8 bits, amazing fast considering that fact, and uses a few tricks to be really stingy on memory, which is at a premium on Arduino- especially with the TVout data space eating up quite a bit. Since the Atmega 328 only has 2k of RAM, every byte counts. Matrix math done like this is nothing short of awesome. Best of all, it’s usable as a library. Cut and paste the .cpp and .h into a new folder named “FFT” in the Libraries directory. My Arduino project code is adapted from the original code from the forum-posted Arduino program.

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Hola que tal lectores de esta pagina tan maravillosa que es arduino Tec ...Los invito a que amplíen mas sus conocimientos en Arduino y Raspberry Pi Uniéndose a La mi grupo Arduino Tec

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