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Hola que tal lectores de esta pagina tan maravillosa que es arduino Tec ...Los invito a que amplíen mas sus conocimientos en Arduino y Raspberry Pi Uniéndose a mi grupo Arduino Tec

Multi proyectos 0057


Davide Gomba – July 11th, 2011
[Leight] posted an interesting use of the LCD Shield by SparkFun as a waterfall visualisation (a.k.a. plotting signal strength and frequency over time). “Cascata” is the Italian for “Waterfall”. Nice one.
cascata is an Arduino Waterfall display program built using the Arduino and the Sparkfun Color LCD Shield. It has a selectable 0-4 kHz or 0-2 kHz audio range, and can display a waterfall, a spectrum graph, or both. It features variable attenuation and automatic DC centering.
via [HackADay] source [Wa5znu]


Davide Gomba – July 8th, 2011
We have previously talked about FireFly, a set of software tools dedicated to bridging the gap between Grasshopper (a free plug-in for Rhino), the Arduinomicro-controller, the internet and beyond. Now it comes with its 1.006 new features like the Arduino Code Generator, Upload to I/O Board, UDP and OSC Listeners and Transmitters, XML Search, and State Detection.
The Arduino Code Generator attempts to convert any Grasshopper definition into Arduino compatible code (C++) on the fly.  It works by detecting components that are ‘upstream’ from the Uno/Mega Write component.  The Code Generator checks the component ID against a library of custom C++ functions which then get added to the code if there is a match. The code can be simultaneously saved as a .pde (Arduino Sketch) file to be opened in the Arduino IDE.
In addition, there is also a new Upload to I/O Board component which allows you to upload any sketch (could be from the Code Generator or any other sketch) directly to your Arduino board from within the Grasshopper environment. A lot of stuff happens behind the scenes with this component.  Essentially it creates a dynamic MakeFile and calls a shell application to convert the .pde file into a .cpp (C++) file and then into .hex code (machine readable code) to be uploaded to the microcontroller. Note: WinAVR is required to be installed on your machine in order to properly upload sketches to your board.  You can download the latest version here.


Davide Gomba – July 8th, 2011
Nice article from Elisabeth Fish enumerating different geeky things we’ve seen lately, from rainbowduino table to the household informer :
Fancy a home with some stylish and geeky home improvements? OK, you’ve got the geek gear. You’ve got the geek garb. But have you got the geek house? Read on as GeekTech shows you how to make your home into something friends would be envious of, using cool DIY projects or hacks.
read on [PCworld]


Davide Gomba – July 7th, 2011
Most of people working in the field of biological or scientific research should greet the open hardware applications we are  witnessing in this age of Garage Science. From the Phduino to the DIY Oscilloscopes, through  STM (Scanning-Tunneling Electron Microscope), Arduino is getting used to prototype tools that used to be more expensive and possibly unavailable some years ago.
OpenPCR is an amazing project aimed to bring the genome analysis to a desktot experience. From the “What Is OpenPCR?” page:
What can you do with it?
Cool apps include:
  • DNA Sequencing – PCR is used to generate enough DNA for the sequencing run. You can have a look at some of your own genome!
  • DNA Barcoding – Determining the species based on DNA. Can be used to identify plants, screen for agricultural pests, investigate airplane bird strikes, and check that sushi is legit. What about testing your food to see if they contain GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms)?
The Polymerase Chain Reaction, or PCR, is a method of replicating DNA. It is capable of taking a small amount of DNA, or even a single molecule, and amplifying (copying) a specific region exponentially, such that once the reaction is finished, there may exist up to 230 copies of each starting molecule (do the math — that’s more than a billion!).
This is important because DNA of interest often exists in quantities too small to detect, or may be mixed in with other DNA. For example, an accurate test for HIV must be able to detect a single virus particle in 50,000 cells. PCR is able to do this by targeting a small region of DNA that is specific to the HIV virus. If the virus exists in a sample, amplification will occur which can be easily detected. If no virus is present, no amplification will occur.
The specific region of targeted DNA is determined by how the reaction is setup, based on the specific “PCR primers” added to the reaction mixture. Virtually any sequence of DNA can be targeted.
if you still have some questions and / or want to know more about PCR have a look at this wonderful & explanatory graphics.


dcuartielles – July 7th, 2011
Next week is when probably the most things will be happening around Arduino’s Spanish Community in just one week. Let me make a list for you, so if you happen to be in Spain, you know what you can do if you haven’t really planned your vacation yet:
Campus Party 15: Valencia will host the 15th edition of the Campus Partybetween July 11th and 17th. It started as a Lan Party 15 years ago and has moved into a computer-related event with hacking sessions, lectures, workshops, P2P, robotics, and a lot of gaming. Arduino will present a new shield together withTelefonica I+D to be used in creating GPRS/GSM applications. We will host a series of presentations during the week, as well as a 48h hackathon for people to design new services and devices.
Check the Arduino Conectado page on the playground for the agenda to this event.
There will be an official press release from Telefonica I+D about this and I will wait for the technical details until then.
Freedom 4 Hardware & Communications: Bilbao will host a 2 days conferenceincluding sessions about free hardware. David Cuartielles will be presenting the love story between Arduino and Google to the audience.
I Virtual Camp: the Spanish Arduino community had a hard time meeting in the middle of the summer for one of their usual Barcamps and decided to arrange a virtual one. Follow these people, there will be a Barcamp in Menorca in October that can be a great opportunity for many of us to escape from the Fall and meet other Arduinomaniacs for a couple of days!


- Campus Party: http://campus-party.org
- Telefonica I+D: http://tid.es
- Freedom 4 Hardware & Communications conference:http://itsas.ehu.es/f4hc/doku.php
- Are you an Arduinomaniac living in Spain? Put your name here:http://arduino.cc/playground/Es/People


Davide Gomba – July 6th, 2011
Hypnotic installation from David Bowen representing *real* waves.
[...] Tele-Present Water installation draws information from the intensity and movement of the water in a remote location. Wave data is collected in real-time from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) data buoy station 46075 Shumagin Islands Alaska. The wave intensity and frequency is scaled and transferred to the mechanical grid structure resulting in a simulation of the physical effects caused by the movement of water from this distant location. The installation uses MAX/MSP to drive an Arduino mega running servo firmata. It uses 11 x 24volt dc motors with drivers for the movement.


Davide Gomba – July 5th, 2011
Some of you may know “light painting“  it’s a photographic technique which uses long exposures and a light source, to “paint” the photo with light. The project was inspired by the Wifi Netword Visualization, The Mechatronics Guylater brought in the concept of writing and painting pictures with the beams of light with a pc (wirelessly via Xbee).
The hardware is pretty simple. There’s a 2m programmable LED strip inside an acrylic tube, which is controlled from a small receiver and battery pack. A laptop PC with a wireless Xbee link sends the image data to the scythe at a specified time.
via [UberGizmo] source [mechatronicsGuy]


Davide Gomba – July 4th, 2011
Nice step-by-step guide to lets you set up a project that taked care of your field while you’re away:
This summer I wanted to combine my two loves of plant science and engineering. Thus I am constructing my very own greenhouse in my backyard. I am an undergrad, and as any former student knows, this means I move around constantly, and I am not always around to take care of my vegetable garden. I love my plants but since I am moving back to school in July, and my family is unreliable, I need a way to make sure that they are taken care of. Enter Arduino!
I have constructed an automated watering and temperature system. This includes sensors that will turn the systems on only when needed. This is essential when the ever-changing New England weather demands some intelligence in watering and heating patterns.
I want to document this project on Revolt Lab so that anyone who is also in love with vascular (or nonvascular) plants can join me and we can nerd out together! This is my first project using an Arduino so I am using wonderful articles from MAKE and Instructables as very helpful templates. Already the Instructables, MAKE, and Ladyada blogs have been ridiculously helpful so, worry not biology nerds, you too can show the engineers just how awesome we are!
via [instructables] source [RevoltLab]


Davide Gomba – June 28th, 2011
Ever wanted to take control of your (or better, sombody else’s) body via electrical signals, University of Tokyo’s research exprerimented about this.
The experimental device is actually called the PossessedHand, and controls your digits by shooting small electric currents into your wrist via electrodes strapped to your forearm. The PossessedHand runs on an Arduino micro-controller, and can auto calibrate itself to make sure it is twitching the corrects fingers and muscles inside your hand.


Massimo Banzi – June 27th, 2011
Ad otto giorni dalla fine del primo ArduinoCamp è giunto il momento di tirare le conclusioni di quanto avvenuto, di come è avvenuto e in che modo migliorarlo.
Rinnoviamo il ringraziamento ad Innovation Festival ed Alintec per l’appoggio e la riuscita dell’evento. Roland DG Italia e WeFab sono venuti a portare un po’ delle loro diavolerie.
Infine un grandissimo saluto a tutti coloro che hanno fatto il Camp, cioé i 200 e più partecipanti che si sono susseguiti nella due giorni. I volontari (Uwe, Federico, Vanessa, Maria, Eleonora e Nico) hanno cercato di monitorare le entrate della gente. Pare che non tutti gli iscritti si siano presentati, ma che un numero maggiore di persone sia venuto senza essersi prenotato-
1) arduinocamp.com : é stato interessante utilizzare un sito unico e le funzionalità della wiki per coordinare gli interessati per permettere agli utenti di appuntare e realizzare loro stessi il report del Camp. In realtà ci siamo appoggiati ad alcuni form esterni. Nel prossimo futuro faremo in modo che il sito riesca a gestire le richieste direttamente.
2) Discussioni & Tavole Rotonde (sabato pomeriggio): la intro di Massimo ha coperto una buona parte di domande da parte della comunità. Il confronto ha portato sostanzialmente a due conclusioni: il playground italiano va ristrutturato e i prossimi articoli che escono su Wired Italia saranno user-generated, dalla comunità di Arduino italiana. Le discussioni sono state a) un introduzione di Uwe Federer su Arduino b) un introduzione con i docenti delprogetto scuola da parte di Davide Gomba c) Costantino e WeFab sul discorso Fablab a Milano d) Android e Arduino con Massimo.
3) Progetti. L’elenco dei progetti presentati lo trovate sul ArduinoCamp. Purtroppo a causa del delirio organizzativo che il camp ha comportato, la conferma delle talk é avvenuta troppo a ridosso del camp, comportando la defezione di alcuni relatori. Ci scusiamo per questo inconveniente e rinnoviamo l’invito per la prossima volta.Le presentazioni “lampo” sono state una grande prova per i nostri relatori, che comunque se la sono cavata bene. Progetti nel complesso molto interessanti.
4) HackDay. L’entusiasmo (e l’odore di sudore) che si respiravano la domenica durante l’HackDay ci hanno conrfermato che momenti di questo tipo vanno riproposti e rispondono ad una serie di richieste da parte di una crescente comunità smanettona in Italia. Il tempo é stato un limitato. In future edizioni potrebbe essere aumentato ad un giorno e mezzo, con una notte che porta sempre consiglio di mezzo.
5) La vendita delle Arduino e di oggetti simili dovrà durare maggior tempo, e dovrà essere meglio gestita.
6) L’esposizione di oggetti realizzati con Arduino dovrò avere più spazio e dovrà essere reclamizzata con più largo anticipo.
Per chi volesse, qui ci sono foto del camp (realizzate per noi da Costantino Bongiorno). Qui altre da Pitusso e qui da Paolo Bonelli
Grazie a tutti quelli che hanno partecipato e ora pensiamo a quando fare il prossimo.

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