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Multi proyectos 0029


Davide Gomba – October 3rd, 2012
E’ terminato da qualche giorno il primo capitolo dell’#arduinotour, a Roma. E’ stata una esperienza molto interessante che ci ha fatto capire cosa funziona nel nostro metodo di insegnamento , ma che ci ha permesso di aggiustare il tiro su alcune mancanze comunicative dettate dell’accumularsi di eventi (e.g. abbiamo informato gli utenti iscritti alla presentazione del venerdì in ritardo, e ce ne scusiamo).
Un grazie particolare a Paolo De Gasperis, Marta Serpietri e Leonardo De Cosmo di Discienza per il supporto organizzativo e a Cattid per la location.
Detto questo, ci siamo sforzati di restituire quanto più possibile del materiale prodotto al workshop a tutti i nostri lettori. I progetti emersi sono stati tre (vedi video sopra / guarda il set sul flickr), e devo ammettere che il livello é molto alto per un workshop base. Tutti i codici dei progetti sono online sul nostro github. Non abbiamo usato particolari periferiche fatta eccezione dell’Arduino Wifi Shield, dell’Ethernet Shield,di un paio di Sensori di Alcohol di Parallax e di cinque FSR oltre ovviamente ad un roverino facilmente reperibile online.
I prossimi workshop dell’#arduinotour sono a Cava De’ Tirreni il prossimo 20-21 ottobre, a Matera il 17-18 Novembre e saranno tenuti da Mirco Piccin e da me: ci divertiremo!
Chi fa un salto?


Davide Gomba – October 3rd, 2012

Every now and then Arduinoteam meets in New York. Most of the time the meeting is gently and informally hosted by ITP.
Arduino guest vblogger Yu-Ting Feng tells us this story through an interview to Tom Igoe, ranging from ArduinoTeam annual round-up to their first Ivrea-based meeting.
We’d like to thank Yu-Ting Feng to help us out for the video report. Do you want to join the Arduino Blog and picture the open creativity around you? drop us a line.


Davide Gomba – October 2nd, 2012
We’re happy to announce the Arduino Wifi Shield being back on the Arduino Store. Since we launched it back in August we had an overwhelming request for the product that ended up in solding it out.
Welcome back, bro.


Davide Gomba – September 27th, 2012
Siete tutti invitati domani sera (28 Settembre 2012) alle ore 18:00 a Roma presso il Nuovo Cinema Palazzo per un incontro / presentazione sulle tematiche dell’autoproduzione, digital fabrication e Arduino.
A seguire, durante l’aperitivo, riprenderà vita l’installazione San Lorenzo Virtual Bike, un’installazione interattiva che permette pedalando di immergersi virtualmente fra le strade del quartiere, e proietteremo in sala il documentario Arduino: The Documentary.
L’evento di domani é l’inaugurazione dell’#arduinotour che vedrà workshop di Arduino organizzati qua e là in giro per l’Italia. Il prossimo sarà a Cava de’ Tirreni, ma stiamo per lanciare quello di Matera a metà novembre. Se per qualunque motivo vorreste farci sapere dove potremmo venire riempite questo form.


Alessandro Paganelli – September 25th, 2012
Last July 23-27 2012, the workshop on “Physical and Wearable Computing”, organized by SUPSI within the summer school in “Digital Fabrication and Interaction Design”, has took place involving about 20 participants. This workshop has proved to be a very good approach to introduce future makers to the concepts of digital fabrication, prototyping and design of interactive objects.
On the workshop’s homepage, several prototypes and artifacts manufactured during the workshop are presented. Among them, it’s worth to mention Poetry Zoo, a set of laser-cut and RFID-equipped animals that generate poetries, The Sound of a Line, where simple melodies can be performed by using a ball with conductive ink in combination with a special glove, and Superfluo Shoes, a pair of shoes that react based on movement.
The complete list of projects developed during the workshop can be found on its official home page, while a personal view of this experience by Zoe Romano, who has taught at the summer school together with Massimo Banzi, can be found here.


Andrea Reali – September 21st, 2012
Have you ever wished to build a box to distort and pitch your voice? Here we go.
Amanda Ghassaei has published an inspiring Instructable to guide you in building an Arduino Vocal Effects Box.
Arduino vocal effect box
It samples an incoming microphone signal at a rate of about 40kHz, manipulates the audio digitally, and then outputs 8 bit audio at a rate of about 40kHz. Here you can hear a sample of the sounds that can be obtained.
I highly recommend to follow Amanda’s website because it seems that she is working on other experiments with digital signal processing using Arduino.


Alessandro Paganelli – September 20th, 2012
3D SuperVision Systems is an italian spin-off from “Università Politecnica delle Marche“, whose mission is to design and to develop new solutions for embedded applications.
Few days ago, they published the latest release of 3Dmicro toolkit, a software add-on to NI Labview usable for firmware rapid prototyping on 32-bit PIC microcontrollers, by using Labview’s easy-to-use graphical programming language; along with this, an Arduino-oriented version has been released as well for academic beta testers, which allows users to make use of Arduino’s I/O, ADCs, timers, PWM and serial communication directly from Labview’s interface.

More information can be found here, while interested beta-testers can sign upthis application form.


Andrea Reali – September 20th, 2012
Skube is a music player that allows you to discover and share music.
There are two modes, Playlist and DiscoveryPlaylist plays the tracks on your Skube, while Discovery looks for tracks similar to the ones on your Skube so you can discover new music that still fits your taste. When Skubes are connected together, they act as one player that shuffles between all the playlists. You can control the system as a whole using any Skube.
The interface is designed to be intuitive and tangible. Flipping the Skube changes the modes, tapping will play or skip songs and flipping a Skube on its front face will turn it off.
The Skube is a fully functional device, not just a concept. It use a combination of Arduino, Max/MSP and an XBee wireless network.
This project was made by Andrew Nip, Ruben van der Vleuten, Malthe Borch, and Andrew Spitz. It was part of the Tangible User Interface module at CIID ran by Vinay Venkatraman, David Cuartielles, Richard Shed, and Tomek Ness.
You can read the details and see the inner workings of the Skube here.


Andrea Reali – September 17th, 2012
With the Drum kit – Kit AI by Spikenzielabs you can build an electronic drum kit. The bundle contains all of the electronics, including the piezo sensors for the drum pads. You build the drum pads yourself, and then connect the Drum Kit – Kit AI to your computer to play sounds using your favorite audio software, or use the MIDI-out port to a connected drum synthesizer.
Roberto De Nicolò (aka Rodenic) has realized an useful tutorial video showing what he has called FingerDrum. Roberto has applied a piezo sensor to each finger of a glove, allowing the triggering of individual drum sounds from his midi expander. If you think the glove is unconfortable, check out the FingerPad and turn your mouse pad into a drum pad.


Alessandro Paganelli – September 14th, 2012
Reborn is an australian digital creative agency whose mission is to design smart and innovative ideas.
Among their works, a very nice one regards a hack consisting in the re-engineering of a sofisticated espresso machine, to show its peculiar features in the process of coffee making.
By means of an Arduino board, the team can collect real-time information such as flow rate, temperature and pressure; then, a Processing sketch graphically presents this data to the user in an artistic fashion.
Finally, each cup of coffee made this way is decorated with an artwork summarizing this information in its own “personal identity”.
More information can be found here.

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