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Hola que tal lectores de esta pagina tan maravillosa que es arduino Tec ...Los invito a que amplíen mas sus conocimientos en Arduino y Raspberry Pi Uniéndose a mi grupo Arduino Tec

Multi proyectos 0025


Davide Gomba – November 30th, 2012
E’ stato appena pubblicato il trailer del documentario che Wired Italia ha realizzato su Arduino. Il video per intero verrà rilasciato la prossima settimana.
source [Facebook]


davide.velluto – November 29th, 2012
We remember [nickatredbox] for the [Yellow Plane],  an Arduino project. Today we have an update to the code. Click on [more] for the full code update.
Revised Yellow FPV Plane with gyro stability system added, Worked best with analogue inputs from Murata piezo gyro sensors of a dead KK board filtered taking a 10 point average. Yaw compensation is currently not used as there is no rudder presently.
Here is a video of the functionality


davide.velluto – November 29th, 2012

Here we have this submission from [IgorAraujo] about how to use an Arduino as PID.
A proportional integral derivative controller (PID controller) is a common method of controlling robots. PID theory will help you design a better control equation for your robot.
On his [website] there are more pictures, videos and a detailed description, but all in Portuguese.


Priya Kuber – November 28th, 2012
Ever wished for a really geeky end of the year? Wondering where to get all the latest awesomeness in the hardware world and get to see the people behind it? Reach out for Exceptionally Hard and Soft Meeting (EHSM) 2012 in the beautiful city of Berlin.
Here is a list of confirmed speakers to give you an insight into why you must attend:
The keynote speaker is Will Jack a 17 year old who apart from building a nuclear fusion reactor, recently built a writing pen for himself because he wanted one.
ICs are really small and badass but you can learn the technique of Reverse engineering it from John McMaster. His work can be seen on siliconpr0n.org.
Wires are the veins of an electrical circuit and Adrian Lelong would teach you wire characterization and diagnosis using various methods which is essential for the critical applications.
What new can be innovated in the technology behind music? Kaspar Emanuel would share his experiences behind a startup AlphaSphere doing the exact same job. AlphaSphere is a new musical instrument designed exclusively for electronic music. He would talk about the approach of open Innovation behind it.
If film deposition, plasma etching, linear particle accelerator, electron beam microscope, electron beam welding, molecular beam epitaxy are your favorite words, then you would surely enjoy the talk by Sylvain Radix and David Rochelet where they describe their success and failures in electrolab while building high-end vacuum systems the step 1 for various purposes stated above.
Coding and debugging without Java? Yes, using the web browser, also you would learn to tweak the CPU with Yann Guidon and Laura Bécognée and demoing YASEP.
A talk by by Stefan Sydow and Sebastian Koch would be on software defined radio with aircraft radio transponders head to metafly to see its live application.
Don’t have a complete idea on all the above technologies? Want your child over 7 years of age to start with her first tech at the conference? Your beloved arduino might be there too, to take a workshop on ‘Getting started with arduino’ for children and beginners.
Head over here to read about more amazing people or wait for part 2 for more announcements on the speakers.
Heard enough already? Head here to book tickets now!


Davide Gomba – November 27th, 2012
[Timothy Zandelin], a 15 years old Arduino enthusiast has sent us his first Arduino Project, an arcade interface based on Arduino Leonardo.
The cabinet is made of 4mm HDF and were laser cut at “Fabriken” in Malmö. The red arcade sign in the top is produced in 5mm translucent acrylic. All design and construction drawings were made in Illustrator. I used an Arduino Leonardo to connect the joystick, buttons and the LED light.  The game installed, Superstar Chefs, is an old game developed by my dad’s cousins.
On the other hand, Timothy also built his own prototyping board to learn about how to use different inputs and outputs.
My prototype board was made with Fritzing.
It includes:
- 6 green 3mm LED’s,
- 11 resistors (6 330 ohm, 4 10K ohm and one 100 ohm),
-1 dip8 socket with an ATtiny45,
- 1 potentiometer,
- 4 pushbutton and header sockets.
I created this prototype board to easily get started with Arduino.
Timothy, welcome on board!


Massimo Banzi – November 26th, 2012
We had to disable comments because the discussion was turning into a flame war.
Just a few clarifications: Arduino is not suing anybody. We never intended to do that in the slightest. We love Kickstarter and , as I said in the post, we think they are important to Makers. We are now in contact with Kickstarter to make sure that in the future the communication between us are more direct and clear. Our manufacturing partner in Italy has issues with some statements made in the Kickstarter campaign and they are getting in touch directly with the project creator to clear the situation.
—- original post —–
Kickstarter has undoubtedly changed the world by helping makers turn into an  industry to be reckoned with.
As with every brilliant invention the first prototypes always have a few issues that get fixed over time by trial and error. Figuring out a way to respond to issues and criticism quickly and effectively is the essence of growth and Kickstarter definitiely had done a lot but there is still a number of issues that are hard to deal with.
I want to show you an example of something that is happening to us right now.
A few weeks ago somebody launched a kickstarter for a project called smARtDUINO (notice the choice of lowercase/uppercase letters) that is supposed to be a better Arduino and all the rest. There is one of them every week so nothing new there.
The first issue that struck me was that right in the project title they claim to be the “former ARDUINO’s manufacturer”
Since I’ve never heard of this person I’ve emailed immediately the factory asking if they knew him.
Nobody had ever heard of him, then a long search started that ended with the realisation that he hired two factory workers who used to work for one of the many suppliers that our manufacturing partner uses.
So according to them, if I hire two factory workers from Ford I can claim I used to manufacture Ford cars…
When we got an email from an important worldwide reseller asking us if our manufacturing partner was behind this kickstarter, we really got worried that the confusion was going to create serious damages to us and decided to act.
We asked our lawyer in Italy to get in touch with this person to have some statements rectified while I got in touch with Kickstarter to see if they could act as a mediator in the dispute.
Based on the current available information, it seems that the company that owns the domain (Aldi Technology) doesn’t exist and the person who launched the kickstarter, who claims to be living in Italy (Mr. Dimitri Albino), actually moved to china years ago.
Italian speakers will find some old forum messages linking this person to some dubious activity.
Every week there is a kicstarter where, in a a way or another, somebody claims to be us… Either they call their project “Arduino” straight away or they ride the Arduino name in more clever ways. We usually email them but not all respond etc etc.
I wrote to kickstarter throught their public feedback form and emailed directly to somebody in marketing I had contact with in the past.
My point was that Kickstarter have to provide some kind of assistance when there are trademark violations or when somebody makes false statements.
Like many important websites have a clear and direct way to raise issues of trademark violations, Kickstarter should also make it easy to raise issues with them.
I got no reply from the marketing person and the next day I get this :
“Hi Massimo,
Thanks for writing in and bringing this to our attention. This is a matter that must be taken up directly with the project creator. You can contact them by clicking “Contact me” on the project page.
Well I don’t think Kickstarter can remove themselves from the picture, they are not a charity, they make money out of what they do. They should protect their users by better vetting who wants to be funded and by making it easier to raise issues about individual kicstarters.
What does the community think?


davide.velluto – November 24th, 2012
Another interesting project by [nickatredbox], you can find this and all others on the [website].
This project is a plane with the Arduino Xbee remote control working on its maiden flight. It worked well no technical issues, very happy with the results :)
Building the controller was a very interesting curve, learned a lot of practical usage solutions to problems and ended up with a simple piece of code which is always good in my experience, keep it simple but not to simple.


davide.velluto – November 23rd, 2012
[nickatredbox] has sent this interesting project with Arduino involving wireless comunication. The fun comes when you have to decide to buy something already done or DIY.
I wanted a remote control system of my own design for may various RC model projects planes and boats. I set about researching the options and and Xbee with / Arduino solution poped out as a viable option, having failed performance testing using both WiFi and TinyCLR. The other feature I get as the Xbee is a transceiver is real-time telemetery. I’m sure I could buy this functionality from HobbyKing but where is the fun in that.
More project on the [website]


davide.velluto – November 20th, 2012
This time Arduino for drinks, always from Romania.
Do you know what you get if you combine Facebook, Twitter, Arduino, Raspberry PI and alcohol ? Well, you get the Social Drink Machine and a lot of really happy people at HowToWeb Bucharest.
The Social Drink Machine involves a fully enabled robotic bar which prepares your dream cocktail, a Facebook application which you use to order the drink and also a Twitter bot as an alternative ordering method. Read the rest of this entry »


davide.velluto – November 19th, 2012
Our friends from Romania send us this:
Do you know what you get if you combine 44 beer cans with an Arduino board and a Raspberry PI ? I tell you : fantastic user engagement!
It happened at Webstock, event which took place in Bucharest this month. Staropramen, one of the sponsors of the event asked us for an innovative way to offer a trip to Prague to one of the event’s guests.

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Hola que tal lectores de esta pagina tan maravillosa que es arduino Tec ...Los invito a que amplíen mas sus conocimientos en Arduino y Raspberry Pi Uniéndose a La mi grupo Arduino Tec

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