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Multi proyectos 0077


Davide Gomba – September 22nd, 2010
The Equinox Clock is an Arduino-based creation that lets you tell the time with a rainbow-hued ring of LEDs illuminating your wall. Its hollow circular shape looks a lot like that bladeless fan, the Dyson Air Multiplier.
[BranKnaapen], who made it, explains how the clock has been done.
via [Gizmodo] and  [The Daily What] and [Gawker TV] source [Bram Knaapen]


Davide Gomba – September 20th, 2010

Arduino forum [kas] user has started a very useful thread about balancing robots:
I invented nothing
I read A LOT and went by trial and error
[kas] is a robot addicted and reported some past experieces in the field of two wheels balanced robots.
We all wait for the “Balancing Robot For Dummies” guide to continue on the Forum.
Goor work Kas!


Davide Gomba – September 20th, 2010

Arduino has always been linked to some programming enviroments (like Processing, Pure Data, VVVV, Max/Msp to name some of them) but since it has fast become a quick & easy way to make your project get in touch with the physical world, many different solutions are there for people who is working with other, not-only-performative programs.
[Matlab] (high-level programming tool for technical and mathematial computation) has *probably* different ways to receive data from the Arduino. I found a well and detailed step-by-step guide with codes and pictures on this presentation from Giampiero Campa who lead the webinar “Learning Basic Mechatronics Concepts Using the Arduino Board and MATLAB“:
The webinar introduces the ArduinoIO package, which allows the user to perform Analog and Digital Input and Output, as well as to control DC, Servo and Stepper Motors interactively from the MATLAB command window, without having to write, debug, compile, upload and run C programs.
you can downlaod the Arduino package from here.
Any tester?


Davide Gomba – September 17th, 2010
It’s been quite a long time since I’m following this project. Now [Michael] came to a certain level of stability and shared his thoughts (and codes) for our personal benefit:
While the adventure in working on this project began months ago, I’ve finally sorted through the mess of files I made and put it all together in a nice handy zip folder. Using Arduinos, XBees, LCDs, and PHP, this project was challenging from a technical stand-point, but I think the project is now at a place where it can act as a foundation for a number of other projects I’m hoping to take on.
While the most-recent installation of this project was on view as part of SRSI, I’m already looking at the Arduino-TVOut library dreaming of what to do next.
I have to find some time to read back again all the project.


Davide Gomba – September 17th, 2010
I was really impressed from this instructable on a brethalizer microphone. [Caring Smith] and [GfxHax] worked on a more reliable project: a DrinkShield.
The GfxHax drink shield is an Arduino shield that converts an arduino into an Open Source Breathalyzer.  It come complete with a light bar to show the intoxiciation levels.  There is a series of 11 lights down one side of the shield that go from green to yellow and ultimately to red.  There are also player ready lights.  Why are there player ready lights?  Well, this is because the shield is not just a standard Breathalyzer but can be used as a party game.  With the GfxHax drinkShield you also get a GPL game that lets you play with your friends and keep highscores!  This software is licensed under the GPL so you can add features and will have unlimited free updates to new versions.
via [MAKE] source [GfxHax]


Davide Gomba – September 16th, 2010
I created this project and my target is improve the comfort of my home. Taking a look around I noticed that home automation solution proposed by the big market player are too much expensive for me and, above all, I should create new wires connections between light, plug, etc.. and the control box.
My idea is use what we already have without spend lot of money to buy a owner solution, so I started with arduino, my android mobile phone, some relays and my home.
I have a nice home, 2 bad rooms, kitchen with living room and it was very nice tka e the control of the lights, gate and door with my mobile phone.
[Mattia] have realized home automation via internet, using:
[...] an Arduino 2009 with ethernet shield and the game is very easy, I send some http message to arduino, he moves some relays and give me back a JSON response. Not so hard, but the hard business is interfacing with the electrical wiring of home, with some patience I found what I need and I linked those wires at the relays.
A chi non è mai capitato di restare chiuso fuori casa senza le chiavi? Beh a noi spesso e ci sarebbe piaciuto aprire il nostro cancello o porta di ingresso usando il telefono cellulare che abbiamo sempre con noi, il bisogno aguzza l’ingegno…ed ecco fatto! Ci siamo guardati un attimo in giro ed abbiamo recuperato un po’ di informazioni su Arduino, la sua filosofia a “brick” ci è sembrata l’ideale per fare quello che avevamo in mente, il mio HTC Hero con Android OS ha fatto il resto.
[Mattia] ha realizzato un progetto di automazione domestica usando Arduino Duemilanove e Ethernet Shield:
[...]Bisogna far comunicare Arduino con il nostro telefono, la soluzione più pulita che mi è balzata in mente era quella di usare il protoccolo http per farsì che la comunicazione avvenga  e JSON per scambiarsi i dati agilemente.
Più informazioni sul sito [nerdyDog]
via [ArduinoForum] source [nerdyDog]


Davide Gomba – September 16th, 2010
Here is a compilation video I threw together showing my LED suit in action this past weekend at Dragon*Con 2010 in Atlanta. More build reports, photos, and video to come soon.
Some time ago I posted previous experiment in wearable leds cloth. In this case is more of a structure underneath a peculiar cloth. It’s controlled by iPhone with an app wrote from [uiproductions]. In this video everything is explained in a detailed way.


Davide Gomba – September 15th, 2010

Arduino Nano controlled 2 axis solar tracker / light seeker and battery charger. Hobby scale for the moment. The tracking fidelity is excellent, but there is still a mechanical resonance problem.


Davide Gomba – September 15th, 2010
This project describes an open software open hardware pH meter using anArduino/Freeduino board. In other words, this is an electronic circuit to be connected with a glass electrode pH sensor.
The pHduino can operate using a LCD to display the pH and the temperature data like a pH meter. Also, you can control it using a computer by USB port.
The signal gain (slope) and the signal offset are adjusted manually by trimpots. The signal is compensated by a temperature sensor.
It seems inferior and a little bit more expensive compared with a pH meter bench instrument. However, it is interfaceable, programmable, expansible, and, the more important, open and free!
Again, it is not intent to be a high resolution analytical instrument to compete with a commercial pH meter. It is to be simple, easy to understand, easy to modify, and different!

check this very useful project hosted on [PHduino's GoogleCode]


Davide Gomba – September 15th, 2010
This project is called “Spiral Wall“  which used Processing to control Arduino board. Pressing the keyboard(or mouse) to control the servo to rotate clockwise or counter-clockwise. You can see how the silk-line rotate and make the diversity of the patterns.
via [MAKE] source [Pandalabcc]
Questo progetto si chiama “Spiral Wall“  e utilizza Processing per controllare Arduino. Attraverso i tasti della tastiera o del mouse si possono controllare i servomotori per avere un movimento orario o anti-orario. Nel video si può notare la seta che cambia di spessore a seconda della rotazione.

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