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Hola que tal lectores de esta pagina tan maravillosa que es arduino Tec ...Los invito a que amplíen mas sus conocimientos en Arduino y Raspberry Pi Uniéndose a mi grupo Arduino Tec

Multi proyectos 0072


Davide Gomba – November 16th, 2010

For those among of you that are in need for some electronics classes, LadyAda thinks about you!
We’ll use this tutorial to re-visit LEDs in a little more detail. We’re going to cover how to calculate the current going through an LED and in the mean time introduce two important laws of electronics, Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law and Ohm’s Law. We’ll begin by performing experiments that will demonstrate how voltage and resistance affects current and then prove those results with a little math.
There’s no coding involved in this exercise, and although we use an Arduino in the images, you don’t need one to follow along. We do suggest some other kind of power supply so you can try out the experiments, but you can use even batteries in a battery holder!
take a look at the LEDS tutorial and at the Arduino Tutorial section as well.
via [LadyAda]

For those among of you that are in need for some electronics classes, LadyAda thinks about you!
We’ll use this tutorial to re-visit LEDs in a little more detail. We’re going to cover how to calculate the current going through an LED and in the mean time introduce two important laws of electronics, Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law and Ohm’s Law. We’ll begin by performing experiments that will demonstrate how voltage and resistance affects current and then prove those results with a little math.
There’s no coding involved in this exercise, and although we use an Arduino in the images, you don’t need one to follow along. We do suggest some other kind of power supply so you can try out the experiments, but you can use even batteries in a battery holder!
take a look at the LEDS tutorial and at the Arduino Tutorial section as well.
via [LadyAda]

For those among of you that are in need for some electronics classes, LadyAda thinks about you!
We’ll use this tutorial to re-visit LEDs in a little more detail. We’re going to cover how to calculate the current going through an LED and in the mean time introduce two important laws of electronics, Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law and Ohm’s Law. We’ll begin by performing experiments that will demonstrate how voltage and resistance affects current and then prove those results with a little math.
There’s no coding involved in this exercise, and although we use an Arduino in the images, you don’t need one to follow along. We do suggest some other kind of power supply so you can try out the experiments, but you can use even batteries in a battery holder!
take a look at the LEDS tutorial and at the Arduino Tutorial section as well.
via [LadyAda]


Davide Gomba – November 16th, 2010

[Akiba] from FreakLabs presented some days a go a cool mix between an Arduino and a chibi board:
Chibi means “midget” in Japanese and I felt that it was an appropriate name for this wireless protocol stack. It wasn’t meant to be a fancy, mesh routing, auto-discovery, standardized device profile type of stack. The main goals were that it was small and easy to use so that people that weren’t experts in communications protocols could still send and receive data wirelessly without dealing with complex setups and technical details.
For the Freakduino-Chibi board, the Chibi stack was ported to the Arduino platform and named chibiArduino . It comes in the form of an Arduino library and you just unzip the package into the /libraries folder of your Arduino directory. The stack takes up approximately 3.6 kB of flash and about 270 bytes of RAM and allows users to set up star networks where any node can communicate with any other node within listening distance.
The post is long (a must-read),  focus on the protyping; Akiba shows how sharing experiences in hackerspaces can get your project more interesting and relied to people’s need (this is taken some lines before the first quote, and describes how he moved to the Arduino platform):
After working with it for a while, I discussed it with a few of the electronics and embedded people in the hackerspace and we decided to use the Arduino as the standard platform in the space. This would make it easier to ensure everyone has the same base hardware and software when we collaborate on projects. And since Tokyo Hackerspace has kind of a leaning towards wireless (hee hee hee), I decided to make a version of my Chibi boards compatible with Arduino but still include the 802.15.4 wireless radio. That marked the beginning of this design project.
[Akiba] from FreakLabs presented some days a go a cool mix between an Arduino and a chibi board:
Chibi means “midget” in Japanese and I felt that it was an appropriate name for this wireless protocol stack. It wasn’t meant to be a fancy, mesh routing, auto-discovery, standardized device profile type of stack. The main goals were that it was small and easy to use so that people that weren’t experts in communications protocols could still send and receive data wirelessly without dealing with complex setups and technical details.
For the Freakduino-Chibi board, the Chibi stack was ported to the Arduino platform and named chibiArduino . It comes in the form of an Arduino library and you just unzip the package into the /libraries folder of your Arduino directory. The stack takes up approximately 3.6 kB of flash and about 270 bytes of RAM and allows users to set up star networks where any node can communicate with any other node within listening distance.
The post is long (a must-read), focus on the protyping; Akiba shows how sharing experiences in hackerspaces can get your project more interesting and relied to people’s need (this is taken some lines before the first quote, and describes how he moved to the Arduino platform):
After working with it for a while, I discussed it with a few of the electronics and embedded people in the hackerspace and we decided to use the Arduino as the standard platform in the space. This would make it easier to ensure everyone has the same base hardware and software when we collaborate on projects. And since Tokyo Hackerspace has kind of a leaning towards wireless (hee hee hee), I decided to make a version of my Chibi boards compatible with Arduino but still include the 802.15.4 wireless radio. That marked the beginning of this design project.

[Akiba] from FreakLabs presented some days a go a cool mix between an Arduino and a chibi board:
Chibi means “midget” in Japanese and I felt that it was an appropriate name for this wireless protocol stack. It wasn’t meant to be a fancy, mesh routing, auto-discovery, standardized device profile type of stack. The main goals were that it was small and easy to use so that people that weren’t experts in communications protocols could still send and receive data wirelessly without dealing with complex setups and technical details.
For the Freakduino-Chibi board, the Chibi stack was ported to the Arduino platform and named chibiArduino . It comes in the form of an Arduino library and you just unzip the package into the /libraries folder of your Arduino directory. The stack takes up approximately 3.6 kB of flash and about 270 bytes of RAM and allows users to set up star networks where any node can communicate with any other node within listening distance.
The post is long (a must-read), focus on the protyping; Akiba shows how sharing experiences in hackerspaces can get your project more interesting and relied to people’s need (this is taken some lines before the first quote, and describes how he moved to the Arduino platform):
After working with it for a while, I discussed it with a few of the electronics and embedded people in the hackerspace and we decided to use the Arduino as the standard platform in the space. This would make it easier to ensure everyone has the same base hardware and software when we collaborate on projects. And since Tokyo Hackerspace has kind of a leaning towards wireless (hee hee hee), I decided to make a version of my Chibi boards compatible with Arduino but still include the 802.15.4 wireless radio. That marked the beginning of this design project.


Davide Gomba – November 15th, 2010
Back in Barcelona, Massimo has been interviewed by Kirsten Dirksen forFairCompanies. Much of the educational and sharing philosophy of Arduino is explained by Massimo in the interview.
The Arduino- an affordable, open source microcontroller board- has been touted as connecting the real world to your computer. To get an idea of what that means, here is just a sample of sustainability-related projects created by the Arduino community:
In this video, we talk to Arduino co-founder Massimo Banzi about the power of the Arduino, how it’s “not for nerds” and how it was kept alive by the fact that it was open source.
By the way: SmartProjects, (Arduino main producer in Italy) joined Impatto Zeroback in 2008, by planting half a squared meter for each Arduino board produced.


Davide Gomba – November 15th, 2010

Marco Sangalli and Alex Rigamonti have recently finished a server-controlled system to monitor the access of the customers in a gym using a prototype of the Arduino Ethernet, RFID, and digital sensors of a turnstile.
The system was meant to monitor easily the different kind of tickets and timing people may have in a gym. To accomplish that we use a turnstile at the entrance and an RFID reader to authenticate the customer. The RFID reader sends the data to Arduino via serial (TTL). Arduino checks the received data and sends it on a server via ethernet. The server controls and authenticate: ticket, time, day, expiry date and all the credits the customer has. This is the time when the server tells the Arduino to open the turnstile by triggering some relays.
Using the Arduino Ethernet made the all process flexible & cheap: controlling the turnstile, interfacing the RFID and sending the data to a linux server over RJ45.

Marco Sangalli and Alex Rigamonti have recently finished a server-controlled system to monitor the access of the customers in a gym using a prototype of the Arduino Ethernet, RFID, and digital sensors of a turnstile.
The system was meant to monitor easily the different kind of tickets and timing people may have in a gym. To accomplish that we use a turnstile at the entrance and an RFID reader to authenticate the customer. The RFID reader sends the data to Arduino via serial (TTL). Arduino checks the received data and sends it on a server via ethernet. The server controls and authenticate: ticket, time, day, expiry date and all the credits the customer has. This is the time when the server tells the Arduino to open the turnstile by triggering some relays.
Using the Arduino Ethernet made the all process flexible & cheap: controlling the turnstile, interfacing the RFID and sending the data to a linux server over RJ45.

Marco Sangalli ed Alex Rigamonti hanno recentemente portato a termine un progetto molto interessante che aveva come obiettivo il controllo centralizzato degli accessi ad una palestra, via server.
Il sistema è stato ideato per rendere più facile la gestione degli abbonamenti e del flusso in ingresso della palestra. Per far ciò è stato predisposto un tornello all’ingresso del locale con un lettore RFID per effettuare l’autenticazione.
L’utente avvicina la tessera RFID al lettore che a sua volta manda i dati tramite seriale (TTL) ad Arduino. Arduino verifica il dato ricevuto e a sua volta trasmette i dati ad un server tramite ethernet.
Il server effettua il controllo dei dati: esistenza abbonamento associato alla tessera, orario e giorno di accesso consentito, controllo crediti e scadenza dello stesso
A questo punto il server  trasmette  il comando ad Arduino Ethernet per l’apertura del tornello svolta tramite il pilotaggio di relays.
L’utilizzo di Arduino ha reso possibile, con un costo molto contenuto e con un’ottima flessibilità, di interfacciare il tornello, che ha solo ingressi digitali per il comando, ad un server linux tramite la ben nota RJ45.


Davide Gomba – November 15th, 2010

aJson is an Arduino library to enable JSON processing with Arduino. It easily enables you to decode, create, manipulate and encode JSON directly from and to data structures. By this you don’t have to bother with data encoding and decoding – this will aJson handle for you. aJson is a library to receive, understand, create or modify JSON strings directly in the Arduino. aJson provides functions to parse JSON strings to object models. Handle, search and create and modify JSON Object structures.
[interactive-matter] published an interesting tool to implement XML-structured communication using Arduino.
There always have been solutions like XML for structured data. But XML is hard to decode, complicated an takes up a lot of space. And then there is JSON.
JSON is described best on json.org:
It’s like XML, but fat-free. You use it to move data around, store things, or just generally represent your program’s state.
JSON is especially useful to exchange data efficiently with e.g. JavaScript, Java, C++, Processing or anything else
the project is hosted on Github, more on [Interactive-Matters]As it’s said by [Marcus] at the end of his post:
If you notice any problem just file an issue so that I can deal with it.
Still no issues: I’ll keep an eye on this and try to play around the library myself.


Davide Gomba – November 10th, 2010
If you (like me) get to know the term “software tutorial” related to some professional products like the Adobe Suite, you are going to be quite amazed in seeing Kevin Hoyt introducing Arduino as the Physical counterpart of that high-level, client-friendly, closed-source, wonderful software which is Adobe Flash.
[...] If you like me spend a lot of time -everyday- in front of the computer, and that’s just great..don’t get me wrong…Adobe Developers built some of the collest apps out there…but…what happens when you close your laptop and walk away? For most part web developer just live there in the Ether, you’ve got nothing really to show from your hard day of work…but, that bothers me, so I want to kind of escape the bounds of the computer, and do something more…[...]
This is kind of a deep witnessing. You to judge what that really means.
If you (like me) get to know the term “software tutorial” related to some professional products like the Adobe Suite, you are going to be quite amazed in seeing Kevin Hoyt introducing Arduino as the Physical counterpart of that high-level, client-friendly, closed-source, wonderful software which is Adobe Flash.
[...] If you like me spend a lot of time -everyday- in front of the computer, and that’s just great..don’t get me wrong…Adobe Developers built some of the collest apps out there…but…what happens when you close your laptop and walk away? For most part web developer just live there in the Ether, you’ve got nothing really to show from your hard day of work…but, that bothers me, so I want to kind of escape the bounds of the computer, and do something more…[...]
This is kind of a deep witnessing. You to judge what that really means.
If you (like me) get to know the term “software tutorial” related to some professional products like the Adobe Suite, you are going to be quite amazed in seeing Kevin Hoyt introducing Arduino as the Physical counterpart of that high-level, client-friendly, closed-source, wonderful software which is Adobe Flash.
[...] If you like me spend a lot of time -everyday- in front of the computer, and that’s just great..don’t get me wrong…Adobe Developers built some of the collest apps out there…but…what happens when you close your laptop and walk away? For most part web developer just live there in the Ether, you’ve got nothing really to show from your hard day of work…but, that bothers me, so I want to kind of escape the bounds of the computer, and do something more…[...]
This is kind of a deep witnessing. You to judge what that really means.


Davide Gomba – November 9th, 2010

Here are our last post about Mozilla Drumbeat Festival.
We wanted to give back to the community what we’ve been doing in theArduino Playground: Mozduino!

Here are our last post about Mozilla Drumbeat Festival.
We wanted to give back to the community what we’ve been doing in theArduino Playground: Mozduino!

Here are our last post about Mozilla Drumbeat Festival.
We wanted to give back to the community what we’ve been doing in theArduino Playground: Mozduino!


tigoe – November 9th, 2010

Daniel Hirschmann’s generative painting system, Engine 26, was presented at
Daniel Hirschmann with Engine 26
the Whitney Museum of Contemporary Art’s Gala event in New York City recently. The piece is the latest in a series of generative painting works Daniel has developed using Processing and Arduino. Daniel used Arduino to control DMX systems for the exhibit. He’s done a number of other DMX projects, many of them Arduino-based.
For more on Engine 26, see engine26.net. For more on Daniel’s other work, including Tuned Stairway, an Arduino-driven musical stairway from 2006  that’s a precursor to FunTheory’s Piano Stairs, see danielhirschmann.comEngine 26will be showing at other events in the near future. If it’s near you, check it out, and buy Daniel a beer and ask him for a story or two.


Davide Gomba – November 8th, 2010

As you can read up from [jacob sikker]‘s thesis blogCheap Fat and Open projectis being revised and updated.
new edition has bugs fixed from 1st version, larger screen (16×2 characters) and i’ve added an op amp with bass boost and distortion feature, design byblushing boy, AKA david cuartielles. taken from his smapler board.
a few extra design goodies have been added, like walkman-like volume control, and a pixel ghost for extra prototyping.
i am only making 25 pcs. some will be sold at piksel, some at MFRU. pre-order yours today!
thanks to david gauthier for helping out with the more tricky parts of eagle CAD.

As you can read up from [jacob sikker]‘s thesis blogCheap Fat and Open projectis being revised and updated.
new edition has bugs fixed from 1st version, larger screen (16×2 characters) and i’ve added an op amp with bass boost and distortion feature, design byblushing boy, AKA david cuartielles. taken from his smapler board.
a few extra design goodies have been added, like walkman-like volume control, and a pixel ghost for extra prototyping.
i am only making 25 pcs. some will be sold at piksel, some at MFRU. pre-order yours today!
thanks to david gauthier for helping out with the more tricky parts of eagle CAD.

As you can read up from [jacob sikker]‘s thesis blogCheap Fat and Open projectis being revised and updated.
new edition has bugs fixed from 1st version, larger screen (16×2 characters) and i’ve added an op amp with bass boost and distortion feature, design byblushing boy, AKA david cuartielles. taken from his smapler board.
a few extra design goodies have been added, like walkman-like volume control, and a pixel ghost for extra prototyping.
i am only making 25 pcs. some will be sold at piksel, some at MFRU. pre-order yours today!
thanks to david gauthier for helping out with the more tricky parts of eagle CAD.


Davide Gomba – November 8th, 2010

[Gonzalo Garcia-Pelate] is developing Place-stat*, an interesting Arduino-based home-monitoring tool, adding a more intuitive, informal and relational way to visualize data:
People install energy monitors in their homes to become more aware of their consumption, and to improve based on the information the meter provides. To lower energy consumption the key information people want from their meter is whether they are doing better or worse, compared to yesterday, their neighbours, or a national average, for instance. The majority of devices in the smart meter space tend to provide energy consumption data in kW h, sometimes mixed with a trends graph. There is a mismatch between users’ understanding of their energy usage, which is informal and relational, kettle vs. toaster or today vs. yesterday, and the continuous numeric data stream provided and presented by meters. I believe end users can benefit form a different approach, an ambient display which presents information as relationships, to encourage behaviour change.
Here are some pictures of the developing process. Find more info about the early presentation of the project at Pervasive 2010, and the latest Carbon And Energy Hack Weekend event where Gonzalo is actually
[...] interested in discussing additional aspects of the project with others. In particular, energy experts, statisticians, social scientist, product designers, marketers, potential partners, investors. I am also really looking forward to see what others are doing, I’m happy to provide input where I can.

[Gonzalo Garcia-Pelate] is developing Place-stat*, an interesting Arduino-based home-monitoring tool, adding a more intuitive, informal and relational way to visualize data:
People install energy monitors in their homes to become more aware of their consumption, and to improve based on the information the meter provides. To lower energy consumption the key information people want from their meter is whether they are doing better or worse, compared to yesterday, their neighbours, or a national average, for instance. The majority of devices in the smart meter space tend to provide energy consumption data in kW h, sometimes mixed with a trends graph. There is a mismatch between users’ understanding of their energy usage, which is informal and relational, kettle vs. toaster or today vs. yesterday, and the continuous numeric data stream provided and presented by meters. I believe end users can benefit form a different approach, an ambient display which presents information as relationships, to encourage behaviour change.
Here are some pictures of the developing process. Find more info about the early presentation of the project at Pervasive 2010, and the latest Carbon And Energy Hack Weekend event where Gonzalo is actually
[...] interested in discussing additional aspects of the project with others. In particular, energy experts, statisticians, social scientist, product designers, marketers, potential partners, investors. I am also really looking forward to see what others are doing, I’m happy to provide input where I can.

[Gonzalo Garcia-Pelate] is developing Place-stat*, an interesting Arduino-based home-monitoring tool, adding a more intuitive, informal and relational way to visualize data:
People install energy monitors in their homes to become more aware of their consumption, and to improve based on the information the meter provides. To lower energy consumption the key information people want from their meter is whether they are doing better or worse, compared to yesterday, their neighbours, or a national average, for instance. The majority of devices in the smart meter space tend to provide energy consumption data in kW h, sometimes mixed with a trends graph. There is a mismatch between users’ understanding of their energy usage, which is informal and relational, kettle vs. toaster or today vs. yesterday, and the continuous numeric data stream provided and presented by meters. I believe end users can benefit form a different approach, an ambient display which presents information as relationships, to encourage behaviour change.
Here are some pictures of the developing process. Find more info about the early presentation of the project at Pervasive 2010, and the latest Carbon And Energy Hack Weekend event where Gonzalo is actually
[...] interested in discussing additional aspects of the project with others. In particular, energy experts, statisticians, social scientist, product designers, marketers, potential partners, investors. I am also really looking forward to see what others are doing, I’m happy to provide input where I can.g

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Hola que tal lectores de esta pagina tan maravillosa que es arduino Tec ...Los invito a que amplíen mas sus conocimientos en Arduino y Raspberry Pi Uniéndose a La mi grupo Arduino Tec

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