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Multi proyectos 0060


Davide Gomba – May 12th, 2011
Amazing vending machine selling Arduinos together with candies at Metrix Create:Space in Seattle.
Alongside such vending staples as candy bars and bottles of water, this machine dispenses USB cables, LCD displays, LEDs, breadboards and Arduinokits.
The machine also contains MREs (military “meals ready to eat”), an open-source breathalyzer kit, solder tubes, servos, DC motors and ShamWows, among other things.
Btw: who’s going to hack it first?
via [Wired.com]


Davide Gomba – May 11th, 2011
Ci aspetta un mese denso di eventi. Il prossimo 19 maggio sarò all’Iti Majorana di Grugliasco per la conferenza “Dai libri ai videogiochi: il futuro dell’informatica a scuola“. L’evento, a distanza di nove mesi dalla conferenza  Arduino a Scuola”, si propone di mostrare un possibile riposizionamento dell’Informatica alla luce dei cambiamenti attuati dalla riforma della scuola.
[...]la riforma del secondo ciclo, con le nuove materie di Tecnologie Informatiche e Scienze e Tecnologie Applicate, reintroduce l’informatica già nel primo biennio di studi della scuola superiore. In questo contesto si aprono nuove opportunità e nuove sfide per migliorare l’insegnamento dell’informatica negli istituti tecnici e nei licei.[...]
La conferenza porterà l’esperienza di alcuni docenti, nell’insegnamento dell’Informatica a scuola, attraverso Scratch Processing, fino alle numerose sperimentazioni con Arduino.
Negli ultimi mesi, oltre ad aver portato a termine grazie al supporto dell’Associazione Dschola corsi di Arduino e Processing in diverse scuole, abbiamo elaborato un sito in grado di permettere la condivisione di contenuti e lezioni di Arduino. In occasione del seminario avrò modo di mostrare le funzionalità del sito scuola.arduino.cc , ancora in beta testing. Tra l’evento del 19 e l’Arduino Camp di metà giugno il sito verrà “testato” da alcuni docenti individuati all’interno della community, il modo migliore per provarlo e renderlo più vicino alle esigenze dei suoi utenti finali.
A presto per maggiori informazioni!


Massimo Banzi – May 10th, 2011
We are thrilled to announce that as of  today  the official Arduino Store opens to beta testers. This restricted testing phase will be followed by a gradual release to the whole community.
It was quite and effort that required the redesign of our web infrastructure to unify the authentications systems to provide a uniform user experience.
The store is just at its beginning but it is already available in three languages English, Spanish and Italian. More languages will follow soon. It will become a place where to find the best products made by Arduino, its partners and all those companies or individuals who make great Arduino-compatible products.
We wanted to take this chance to reward the people who contribute the most to the Arduino community.
We’ll be starting with the forums. The top 5 contributors to the english forums and 1 member of each non-english forum will receive a 200 USD voucher to spend on the store.
As the test progresses we will be providing more vouchers to other kind of contributors (developers , documentation writers and more).
Stay tuned and thank you for your patience!


Davide Gomba – May 10th, 2011
As seen in the streaming of Google IO 2011, physical computing and interactive enviroments are one of the main topics opening the conference. The Android Open Accessory Kit is going to allow Android related devices receive data from different sensors (just via USB, for now).
The Android Open Accessory Development Kit (ADK) provides an implementation of an Android USB accessory that is based on the Arduino open source electronics prototyping platform, the accessory’s hardware design files, code that implements the accessory’s firmware, and the Android application that interacts with the accessory. The hardware design files and code are contained in the ADK package download.
The board is  based on the Arduino Mega2560 and Circuits@Home USB Host Shield designs, since it communicates to the phone in its “accessory” mode. You can get the custom library / firmware to make it run & test with the shield pictured on top.
more info on the [Android Developer site], via [engadget] source [Google IO]


Davide Gomba – May 4th, 2011
[Kim Pimmel] made nice light-painting stop-motion animations using an Arduino Bluetooth, Processing and some post-production.
The video is stop motion, so every frame is an individually shot photograph. Each photograph is a long exposure photo, with exposures reaching up to 20 seconds in some cases.
To control the lights, I used an Arduino controlled via bluetooth to drive a stepper motor. The stepper motor controls the movements of the lights remotely from Processing.
via [Pimmel's Vimeo] more on [Flickr]


Davide Gomba – May 3rd, 2011
Shawn & Jordan wrote me about this project their are trying to put in production, with kictstarter.
We made B-Squares for ourselves at first, since we’re guys who like to make things too.  While working on another project dealing with solar batteries in emerging markets this January, we put together a few crude prototypes of what would become B-Squares, thought it pretty amazing, and decided to push to pre-production ourselves.  Now we’re trying to complete the journey and make it a real product with our launch on Kickstarter. 
The mounting surface allows Arduino Pro to fit and be powered by the 3.3V of the B-Squares. I wonder if a standard Arduino module with its standar 5v  is on the way to come.


Davide Gomba – April 29th, 2011
Nice (mis)use of a Ultimaker 3D printer to act as a pick & place machine.
Assembling medium quantities of PCBs was never within the reach of a home based manufacturer. It requires expensive equipment, but most of these parts can actually be 3D printed, and you can use your existing 3D printer, such as the Ultimaker, to do pick-and-place operations.
via [Make] source [Ultimaker]


Davide Gomba – April 28th, 2011
Nice RESTduino demo #1 by [Jason Gullickson]: what is RESTduino?
RESTduino is a simple sketch to provide a REST-like interface to the Arduino via the Ethernet Shield. The idea is to allow developers familiar with interacting with REST services with a way to control physical devices using the Arduino (without having to write any Arduino code).
Of course some flexibility is traded for this convenience; only basic operations are currently supported:
  • Digital pin I/O (HIGH, LOW and PWM)
  • Analog pin input
Later versions of the sketch may provide additional functionality (servo control, etc.) however if you need more than just basic pin control you’re probably better off learning the basics of programming the Arduino and offloading some of your processing to the board itself.
via [Jason Gullickson] and its [GitHub]


Davide Gomba – April 27th, 2011
As [Kalanda] published on its blog (spanish)  and github, there is one more (easier) way to establish connection with an Arduino over a network connection (among the others):
serial2socket-proxy is a cross-platform software application developed in Processing for creating a virtual connection between the serial port and a network socket port.
For example, you can control an Arduino board connected to the serial port from any computer over internet. Also you can use this socket connection for communicate with your arduino board from Flash/Air application programmed in Actionscript, a PHP application or whatever language that can access to a socket
via [Kalanda's Github] and [blog]


Davide Gomba – April 26th, 2011
As part of the National Robotics Week coverage of iheartrobotics, the Vibratron:
[...]the newest member of the RobOrchestra. This amazing musician was built by club members with a total budget of $1000. The Vibratron uses an Arduino Mega to control 30 individual solenoid gates which drop steel balls onto the vibration keys. Using the Arduino Mega they were able to avoid complications with multiplexing I/O lines. Notes are read in using a MIDI shield to receive standard MIDI signals from a sequencer or keyboard. The balls are recirculated using an Archimedes screw to raise them to the bucket at the top.

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Hola que tal lectores de esta pagina tan maravillosa que es arduino Tec ...Los invito a que amplíen mas sus conocimientos en Arduino y Raspberry Pi Uniéndose a La mi grupo Arduino Tec

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