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Hola que tal lectores de esta pagina tan maravillosa que es arduino Tec ...Los invito a que amplíen mas sus conocimientos en Arduino y Raspberry Pi Uniéndose a mi grupo Arduino Tec

Multi proyectos 0044


Priya Kuber – April 5th, 2012
In case you have been following MBTweetFleet and availing awesome parking spaces, you would be happy to know that the service was made using an Arduino and GPS/GPRS shield.
The cars automatically generated a tweet with GPS data out of every empty parking space they passed. Via Arduino the onboard electronics were connected to a GPS/GPRS-Shield. Tweets were generated with a PHP Relay which sent the GPS-Data. This is how people could find empty parking spaces near them on twitter and even be navigated there by a linked Google map


dcuartielles – April 3rd, 2012
Check how the translation of the IDE is coming together. So far, after just 4 days in the making, we have 18 full translations and yet another 7 in the making. This prototype of the IDE boots in your local language. There is no way to select the language from a menu or similar, it just recognizes your preferred language in your computer and it boots that way. The demo shows how I change the language in my computer and reboot Arduino in some of the languages the system has been translated to already.
This is possible thanks to a patch by Shigeru Kanemoto, who forked the IDE from GitHub and made a great contribution. One way you can collaborate is by adding a drop down list to the preferences dialog where users could use their preferred language, also a dialog window allowing you select your language the first time you boot the software could be nice.
Also, we are lacking quite many languages, so if you have some time to collaborate with this effort, please go to this page and follow the instructions on how to help out. Once this is done we will take over the reference pages that come with the IDE. In a couple of weeks we will be able of providing with the most important documentation to build your projects as a full download in your language, coming together with the IDE. But we cannot do this without you!


Priya Kuber – April 3rd, 2012
For the crazy music makes, who keep searching to give new effects to music, we have a new Arduino based guitar pedal by Kyle McDonald and modified byRandfo.
The complete instructions with part list can be got from here.
[Via: Instructables]


Priya Kuber – April 2nd, 2012
MIT Researcher Valentin Heun created the RFID door opener as he was annoyed that he needed both his MIT ID card and a key to gain access to the MIT Media Lab. With this system his RFID-embedded ID card is read by an RFID evaluation shield connected to an Arduino Uno board. His RFID code is approved and a servo opens the door. A laser cut mounting board allows the servo and RFID evaluation shield to be attached to the door’s handle and deadbolt.
The code can be taken from here.


Priya Kuber – April 2nd, 2012
It is a noisy, yet a novel idea. Extremely useful to talk to your near and dear ones while moving around the house doing chores. The arduino controlled two 5V relays with 12 V 40A car relays prove as the base hardware. The control system however, consists of a simple html page with ajax calls to php scripts that sends serial commands to Arduino using this.
The complete know-how along with code can be found here.
[Via: Hackaday]


dcuartielles – March 29th, 2012
Do you want to see Arduino’s IDE translated to your own language? Do you have one hour to put into that? You can now help out by following the instructions to be found at this page in the playground. Any submissions before April 7th will be included in the next release of the software: Arduino 1.01.
So far we have: English, Japanese, and German seems to be on the way. Come and give us a hand any language … literally, any language is welcome:http://arduino.cc/playground/Main/LanguagesIDE


Priya Kuber – March 29th, 2012
The little drum playing robot designed by Steffest makes great music.
You control it like most drum computers: you draw the beats on a pattern of sixteen dots, perfectly suited for generic 4/4 rhythms.
There a 8 lines, each controlling 1 servo motor.
Most of the servo’s have a percussion item both on the left and the right, that’s why the pattern buttons have 3 states: off, left, right.
That makes 14 distinct percussion sounds for the drummerbot.
The pattern in the webbrowser is packed into a string, which get send to the Arduino via HTTP.
You can use a wifi module and a http server on the Arduino, or you can use another device attached to the Arduino through a comm port.
The Arduino receives the string, unpacks it back to a pattern and simple loops over the steps controlling each servo.
The Arduino code can be got from here. The music did make me smile! :)
[Via: GeekyGadgets and Steff's blog]


Priya Kuber – March 29th, 2012
In an age of geekifying, everything electronics entering fashion is not something new. But the subtle difference between doing something classy and over doing is set apart by the talented designer Sylvia Yang.
A designer’s draft of the design + components (we can see a lilypad there!) is shown here:


dcuartielles – March 29th, 2012
Today we welcome three new forum moderators as well as the Dutch(Nederlands) board and a new structure for the French boards. JO3RI and JANTJEare our new Dutch moderators and Nick Gammon becomes part of our Global Moderator’s list.
We are experiencing a huge increase in the traffic on the Arduino site. Most of it goes to the forum. We are happy to see this development in the community. Last month was the first time we reached over 1.000.000 unique IPs on our server and this month we will reach it again. Here a graph showing the development of the visits to the Arduino website:

(c) 2012 The Arduino Team
We are now working in preparing the next generation of the website. It is going to take some months before you see anything coming out, I can only say it will be great :-) We want the Arduino site to be the best place for makers to meet up and share their projects … but it is going to demand a lot of effort to make it happen.
In the meanwhile we will keep on patching the server and we will make sure everything you guys are contributing with makes it to the next iteration of the system: forum messages, playground pages, and translations.


Priya Kuber – March 29th, 2012
A lot of times I have people asking me about interfacing a fingerprint sensor to an arduino for their school projects. Thanks to Adafruit :) that its now just a connection + an arduino away. The beautifully done libraries can be found here.
So have fun with this new addition to the open hardware family!

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Hola que tal lectores de esta pagina tan maravillosa que es arduino Tec ...Los invito a que amplíen mas sus conocimientos en Arduino y Raspberry Pi Uniéndose a La mi grupo Arduino Tec

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