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Multi proyectos 0026


davide.velluto – November 19th, 2012
LED(Lamp) is an advanced bluetooth lighting system made with arduino, has been realized using a very cheap bluetooth module.
The cool part is the control app for Android device that allows you to control the lighting system.
The firmware for Arduino is open source. The app for android offers: brightness control, color, 8 memories, save favorite color on start.
You can find more on the official [website]


davide.velluto – November 17th, 2012
Is a web server page that show the Arduino’s analog and digital input pin status, the status of the pin is transmitted with json, the page detect connection problems with the Arduino device and alert the user.
All refresh code run in browser and is write in javascript and ajax.
You can find it on the [webpage] coded by [bigjohnson].


davide.velluto – November 16th, 2012
Invention of a new Open Source mechanical musical instrument
Following the « DYI » trend, here comes a musical automaton created by[EricDuino]. This Arduino based autonomous robot is named « Line Follower Organ », « Orgue Suiveur de Ligne » in its maiden language.
What’s new with this instrument is that it moves along its partition in order to play it.
It’s still at a very early stage and it cannot play a full symphony or house music yet. Hopefully the Open Source community will soon make it play Electro Hop.


davide.velluto – November 16th, 2012
It’s a power stip driven remotely through an Ethernet network using telnet protocol.
The password and tcp parameters are saved in eeprom.
The user can give names to the six power out, that are also stored in eeprom.
Visit the page of [bigjohnson] on his site.


davide.velluto – November 16th, 2012
Arduino Set For Workshops
Ci aspetta un week end intenso: mentre Davide e Pitusso tengono il workshop base di Arduino a Matera,  a Venezia (presso H-farm ) si tiene il secondo codemotion di quest’anno, che vedrà il nostro Cristian Maglie raccontarel’Arduino Due e il cammino che abbiamo intrapreso per realizzarla.
Arduino sponsorizza anche l’Hackaton sulle emergenze, offrendo 10 Arduino e breadboard ad ogni gruppo e i premi (Wifi shield e due Arduino Due).
Happy hacking e che vinca il migliore!
L’ Hackathon è stato un successo. Ecco la [wiki] con tutti i progetti sviluppati e la[galleria] con le foto dell’evento.


davide.velluto – November 15th, 2012
Rebuilt my lucky cat: whenever a page of my website is loaded, the cat will be waving its arm. There’s a light sensor so when its dark, the cats RGB-LED is changing the color instead of waving the arm. Changing the color of the LED is also possible with one of the buttons on the cats ears. The other one is the reset button. Used an arduino ethernet, a servo, two buttons, an RGB LED and two small yellow LEDs. The seven segment display is one that I harvested from an old stereo. It’s driven by the arduino and two shift registers. unfortunately I’ve soldered that one together for an older project, so that it doesn’t fit into the cat too. It shows the number of pageviews of the website.
via [instructables] visit the page of [Janwil]


davide.velluto – November 15th, 2012
A full Arduino MP3 player using a SD card and a MP3 module based on a chip from VLSI (VS1002d, VS1003 VS1053). The player includes a small amplifier and two speakers, making it a small Jukebox in the age of Ipods. The project includes a small library for the management of the MP3 and the SD chip. A Funny Arduino project ..


davide.velluto – November 15th, 2012

[srejbi] shares a new, programming-free, API-based way to programming Arduino: the APDuino project (minimum hw requirements: Arduino Mega 2560 + W5100 EtherShield). The Apduino relates to a peculiar approach towards Arduino that I noticed in the last years: using Arduino and making things without coding. This is a good thing for people that can’t code, but has to be simpler than learning code itself.
The APDuino Project provides a turn-key software solution for building custom monitoring and automation systems with custom rulesets (featuring expression evaluator with access to sensor and control arrays), cron-like scheduler, remote access and management via HTTP, SD and online logging and more…
All *without* programming (if using supported hardware components) … allowing DIY’ers to build their own automation systems much quicker and easier.
– The image collage attached is showing parts of 1 realization I built (I have 4 completely different systems running, all using the same software :) ) — This one pictures an aquaponics monitoring system with 16 physical sensors (lots of 1-wire DS18B20′s chained, DHT-11, photoresistors, HY-SRF05 with mechanically inverted reading surface providing tank level monitoring, radio-controlled sockets allow pump and fan controls).
Other systems feature components such as vibration detector, pH probe, BMP085,DS1307 RTC.


Davide Gomba – November 15th, 2012
Manca un giorno ormai a partire per Matera. Domani sera alle 19:00 presso l’incubatore nei sassi (molto vicino a qui) faremo una breve presentazione di Arduino che possa introdurre alla scheda e al movimento dell’hardware open source. La presentazione é rivolta a chi partecipa al workshop, ma anche e soprattutto a chi é interessato a conoscere Arduino e vedere alcuni progetti realizzati in giro per il mondo.
Prima e dopo la presentazione sarà possibile iscriversi al workshop, qualora non siate riusciti a farlo online (sia la scorsa settimana che questa abbiamo avuto qualche problema tecnico con lo store.
a domani.


Alessandro Paganelli – November 13th, 2012
In his blog, Andrea (a student in computer science from University of Napoli “Parthenope”) describes how to make a smart door plate with Arduino.

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